
Trump Support = Ignorant, Racist, Or Legitimate?

- Why do so many seem to blindly follow Donald Trump? TAKE OUR POLL!

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What’s the deal with the blind Donald Trump support that has taken over America? Is it ignorance?  White power/racism?  Or, just some good ol’ fashioned love for ‘The Donald’ that some of us simply don’t see??

Over the weekend, Saturday Night Live began its show with a skit featuring Republican senators in an appearance on a mock “Meet The Press” broadcast.  The host asked senators “What would it take for Donald Trump to lose your support?” The responses were shocking.

Trump Support

“What would you do if Robert Mueller appeared before Congress and announced that Donald Trump had obstructed justice,” the host asked.  “Well, the best way to uphold the law is to be above it,” Sen. Lindsay Graham (portrayed by SNL actor Kate McKinnon) said.

“Would you still support Trump if he got gay married to the leader of Isis?” the host inquired.  “Well then, maybe… awww, who are we kidding. We’ll always be ride or die bitches,” Sen. Mitch McConnell (portrayed by SNL actor Beck Bennet) said.

“I’m not going to try to get into the mind of Donald Trump because I don’t think there’s a whole lot of space there. I think he’s a kook. I think he’s crazy. I think he’s unfit for office.” – Sen. Lindsey Graham in 2016


The skit was hilarious, but the blind Trump support within Congress and across the country that the show brought to light was anything but funny.

Donald Trump has somehow mastered the task of gaining and holding support within the strangest of places, and it’s confusing.

Take, for example, the US Congress.

At one time, GOP Sen. Lindsay Graham of South Carolina openly called Trump a “kook,” a “jackass,” “a race-baiting bigot,” and “the most flawed nominee in the history of the Republican Party.”  However, in a complete reversal, Graham is now Trump’s spineless lapdog in the US Senate.

Trump Support

In another instance, undereducated and poor White-Americans are known for their unwavering Trump support.  Too bad they’re unaware that Trump’s policies are responsible for cuts to their welfare and social service benefits that keep them and their children fed daily — and that Trump and the Republicans are the ones who relentlessly continue to attempt to end ObamaCare, which is providing their communities and families with emergency health coverage and life-saving medicines they would have otherwise gone without.

Further, Donald Trump has been married and divorced multiple times, has committed adultery more times than one can count, has degraded women by being an admitted “pus*y grabber,” can’t quote a single verse from the Bible, and has never once been seen voluntarily attending a single church service of any faith at any point in his entire public life — yet evangelical Christians consider him the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Is African-American support for Trump ignorant?

So, with such a conflict in belief systems, what’s the deal with all the blind Trump support?

Are members of Congress merely playing politics to maintain support among Trump’s fanatic base?

Are White-Americans riding with Trump because they see him as the Great White Hope and savior of white power in their quest to maintain majority status in America?

Have Black and Hispanic followers succumbed to a “Jim Jones-like” ignorance that makes them incapable of seeing they are being used as pawns and props to promote a manufactured message of unity?

Or, could it be possible that most of America is so jaded that they’re unable to see Donald Trump as a legitimate leader who is actually making America great again?





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OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
What’s the REAL reason behind the Donald Trump support?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. I was going to say it is nothing but racism with the white support. But then a guy I have known a long time posted on Facebook this morning Trump won fair and square and we need to give him a chance. This guy is black and the last person I thought would say something like that. I chalk it up to ignorance and that means for the poll I have to vote a combination of things. White people want to stop the Mexicans from coming in and black people are stupid or else want to be like the whites and go along with it all.

  2. “What’s the deal with the blind Donald Trump support that has taken over America? Is it ignorance? White power/racism? Or, just some good ol’ fashioned love for ‘The Donald’ that some of us simply don’t see??”-DJ

    “White people want to stop the Mexicans from coming in and black people are stupid or else want to be like the whites and go along with it all.”- BD

    I’m in agreement with BD and I think you can add even more to that list…so I voted “It’s a combination of things.”

    But yes, it begins with ignorance and white power/racism.

  3. Btw- I think only a few Trump supporters actually “love” Trump, the man. Most of them know exactly who, and what, he is because he’s a refection of them on an individual basis. There’s no doubt in my mind.

    And I would posit that most of Trump voters are the kind of folks who would vote for Fred Flintstone as long as Flintstone is a rich, old, white guy who struts about pretending to be an alpha strongman and promising to restore America (meaning THEM) back to it’s (their) good ol’ glory days. The days of economic and political White power and white dominance.

    That’s what most of his supporters are expecting him to deliver.

    1. You make a good point. They like what he stands for more than they like him.

      As for the black support I still don’t understand that. My vote was ignorance.

      1. “As for the black support I still don’t understand that. My vote was ignorance.”

        Yep…ignorance. And not just ignorance I might add. But willful ignorance.

        And willfully ignoring the obvious.

  4. Re: Blacks who support Trump,…

    Let me also say – in addition to them being willfully ignorant and blind to what is obvious about Trump I’m tempted to also include the “House Negro” mentality to the list of reasons for why ANY Blacks would support such a vile and racist creature. We do know that Blacks of THAT nature have been around since slavery.

    I’m just not sure it actually applies here(?)

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