
Trump Supporters Want Hillary Clinton Impeached?

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The hate for Hillary Clinton among Trump supporters is still very real. In fact, it’s so real that they are calling for her to be impeached! HUH???

Leave it to late night host Jimmy Kimmel to draw the most ignorant Trump supporters to a camera to rant and rave about how much they dislike Hillary. In his recent “Man on the street-style” interview outside his studio in Hollywood, Jimmy had a staffer ask passersby if they believe Hillary Clinton should be impeached.

Not surprisingly, among Trump supporters, the answer was a resounding YES! The only problem is, Hillary CAN’T be impeached since that is a practice usually reserved for the presidency — an office she lost and does not hold. In fact, Hillary Clinton doesn’t have a job at all to be “impeached” from, in either the public or the private sector. Still, that didn’t stop the ignorant and completely uninformed “Trumpies” from calling for her head.

Trump Supporters

Can you spell D-U-M-B?!?

You simply can’t make this stuff up, folks.  Nevertheless, watch the video below and see for yourself. It’s both hilarious and sad all at the same time.




OK WASSUP! follows entertainment:
Dumb Trump supporters call for
Hillary Clinton to be impeached!


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. Um…yeah…you’re right DJ. “It’s both hilarious and sad all at the same time.”


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