Trump Tax Records Are Admissible, Says Supreme Court
If you’ve ever wondered what it feels like to keep losing and losing and losing, just ask Donald Trump. His latest losing battle: keeping his Trump tax records hidden.
On Monday, the US Supreme Court rejected a last-ditch effort from ‘The Donald’ to keep the Trump tax records a deeply guarded secret. The ruling means that 8 years of Trump’s taxes will now be open and available to Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance and New York prosecutors as they continue to build a rock-solid case against the now-deposed and one-time Oval Office resident.
In public, Trump has regularly claimed he is extremely wealthy — often bragging to banks that he is a billionaire several times over in order to convince them to lend him money. However, Trump frequently played a totally different tune during tax time, regularly devaluing his personal and business worth to Uncle Sam in order to avoid paying a huge tax bill or any taxes at all.
Additionally, Trump is suspected of tax fraud by writing off large expenditures from his taxes as a business “consulting fee” when, in fact, it was a hush-money payment to a former mistress or personal cash to one of his kids.

Monday’s Supreme Court ruling is the worst possible news for Donald Trump and his desire to avoid a criminal trial and possible prosecution/jail time. Now, his personal tax returns, corporate tax returns, and other pertinent financial records will be open and available for Mr. Vance and his investigators to review as they uncover whether Trump manipulated property values to obtain bank loans and tax benefits — as well as myriad other financial crimes.
As expected, an angry Donald Trump lashed out at the court ruling with a statement calling it “a continuation of the greatest political Witch Hunt in the history of our Country.” Of course, he couldn’t help but to also mix in his latest and greatest hit: “I Won The 2020 Election.”
“The Supreme Court never should have let this ‘fishing expedition’ happen, but they did,” Trump said in a statement (since his Twitter account is permanently banned). “For more than 2 years, New York City has been looking at almost every transaction I’ve ever done, including seeking tax returns which were done by among the biggest and most prestigious law and accounting firms in the US.
“This is something which has never happened to a President before,” Trump continued. “It is all Democrat-inspired in a totally Democrat location, New York City and State, completely controlled and dominated by a heavily reported enemy of mine, Governor Andrew Cuomo.” The remainder of his words were more rambling and the equivalent of one of his old Twitter rants.
The release of the Trump tax records will be a veritable treasure trove of information for District Attorney Vance and his team. Legal scholars believe Trump has gone to such great lengths to keep the records hidden because they will reveal years of insurance fraud, tax fraud, lying under oath, illegal hush payments, and more from the so-called “billionaire — all punishable crimes.
In addition to impending prosecution from New York, the State of Georgia also has a rather compelling (and near slam-dunk) case against Trump for his efforts to coerce the Secretary of State to “find” him exactly 11, 780 votes so that he could miraculously win the Georgia election. Because both are state cases, Trump’s time as the commander in chief or any secret pardon he may have issued himself or his kids will be invalid since they don’t involve federal charges. Or, in other words, ‘The Donald’ is in a heap of trouble this time.
Donald Trump lost the 2020 presidential election. He lost every single court battle he staged in the hopes of overturning the election. He lost his battle to strongarm Mike Pence and the Republicans to stop the certification of Joe Biden as president. Despite appointing 3 justices to the US Supreme Court (and believing he had their support and their votes in his front pocket) he lost his bid to keep the Trump tax records hidden. He even appears on the verge of losing future prosecution in the States of New York and Georgia.
Despite claims that he’s a winner and that his followers would grow “tired of all the winning,” this snake-oil salesman has been revealed as the consummate loser. In short, he’s like a failed Energizer Bunny. He just keeps losing and losing and losing…
NY Times:
When New York prosecutors finally get to examine the federal tax returns of former President Donald J. Trump, they will discover a veritable how-to guide for getting rich while losing millions of dollars and paying little to no income taxes.
Whether they find evidence of crimes, however, will also depend on other information not found in the actual returns.
The United States Supreme Court on Monday cleared the way for the Manhattan district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., to obtain eight years of Mr. Trump’s federal income tax returns and other records from his accountants. The decision capped a long-running legal battle over prosecutors’ access to the information.
The New York Times last year provided more or less a preview of what awaits Mr. Vance, when it obtained and analyzed decades of income tax data for Mr. Trump and his companies. The tax records provide an unprecedented and highly detailed look at the byzantine world of Mr. Trump’s finances, which for years he has simultaneously bragged about and sought to keep secret.
Monday’s Supreme Court ruling is the worst possible news for Donald Trump and his desire to avoid a criminal trial and possible prosecution/jail time. Now, his personal tax returns, corporate tax returns, and other pertinent financial records will be open and available for Mr. Vance and his investigators to review as they uncover whether Trump manipulated property values to obtain bank loans and tax benefits — as well as myriad other financial crimes. […] – DJ
This entire post is spot on, point by point. And this….right here…really sums up the ruling quite accurately.
Yes indeed. Really good job DJ.
Monday’s Supreme Court ruling is the worst possible news for Donald Trump and his desire to avoid a criminal trial and possible prosecution/jail time. Now, his personal tax returns, corporate tax returns, and other pertinent financial records will be open and available for Mr. Vance and his investigators to review as they uncover whether Trump manipulated property values to obtain bank loans and tax benefits — as well as myriad other financial crimes. […] – DJ
This entire post is spot on, point by point. And this….right here…really sums up the ruling quite accurately.
Really good job DJ.
I know he is real hot over this right about now. He has been hiding those taxes for a lot of years but no more hiding. He thinks just because he put all those people on the court they were going to protect him but that is not the case. I wish they could make the taxes public because I want to see what he thinks he is fooling everybody about. They are really about to take Trump down for good with all this. I got my popcorn ready fro the show.