Trump Travel Ban Halted: ‘SEE YOU IN COURT!’
Current Events –
Trump Travel Ban Halted:
Sorry, Donald Trump — it’s the end of the line for your lucky streak. A federal appeals court has upheld the decision to end the Trump travel ban, prompting “The Donald” to threaten: “SEE YOU IN COURT!”
Current Events
After spending his first few weeks inside The White House trampling all over the constitution and getting away with it, Trump ran into an unexpectedly bumpy ride this week.
Trump picked a fight with the judge and court that dared to not let him have his Trump travel ban, prompting new Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, to blast Trump for calling the federal judge a “so-called judge.” Gorsuch also called Trump’s tweets “demoralizing” and “disheartening” (which in Trump-world probably means Gorsuch’s days as a nominee are likely numbered).
Then, in their quest to have nothing to do with the name “Trump,” Nordstrom’s and TJ Maxx each dropped Ivanka Trump’s clothing line from their stores, prompting BLOTUSÂ (Biggest Liar Of The United States) Trump to cry foul via his official Twitter account. His top flunky adviser Kellyanne “alternative facts” Conway also made it her official White House duty to tell Americans to ignore the clothing ban and race to the stores to buy Ivanka’s line anyway.
The only problem is: Trump using his official Twitter account and Conway using her official position to beg consumers to support Ivanka’s line is a glaring ethics violation. Now, Americans are calling for an inquiry into the blatant ethical gaffe, while White House spokesman Sean Spicer is assuring journalists that Conway was given a stern tongue-lashing regarding her violation.
But, what about BLOTUS Trump?
Not only was Trump’s favorite child banned from several major department stores, but an appeals court ruled on Thursday that the Trump travel ban could not continue.
Sorry, Donald, but you simply can’t pick 7 Muslim countries you don’t like (and ignore all the other Muslim countries you do business with), then create a Trump travel ban to block them from the USA.
As expected, an angry BLOTUS took to his favorite social media tool (Twitter) to threaten the judge who had the gall to tell him NO! and that he was wrong.
“SEE YOU IN COURT!” Trump tweeted, making it clear that he is indeed fixing for a fight. Â Stay tuned…
"BLOTUS"…Lol. I like it DJ.
Certainly, the Trump administration can never be accused of operating under Intelligent management…smh. Nope.
What you see with them is what you get. Amateur hour…24/7.
And on an important side-note…….
Looks like Trump and the nutjobs he's surrounded by really are playing some mighty dangerous, if not possibly Treasonous, games.
"National security adviser Flynn discussed sanctions with Russian ambassador, despite denials, officials say"
Flynn on Wednesday denied that he had discussed sanctions with {Russian Ambassador} Sergey Kislyak. Asked in an interview whether he had ever done so, he twice said, “No.”
On Thursday, Flynn, through his spokesman, backed away from the denial. The spokesman said Flynn “indicated that while he had no recollection of discussing sanctions, he couldn’t be certain that the topic never came up.”
The talks were part of a series of contacts between Flynn and Kislyak that began before the Nov. 8 election and continued during the transition, officials said. In a recent interview, Kislyak confirmed that he had communicated with Flynn by text message, by phone and in person, but declined to say whether they had discussed sanctions.
The emerging details contradict public statements by incoming senior administration officials including Mike Pence, then the vice president-elect. They acknowledged only a handful of text messages and calls exchanged between Flynn and Kislyak late last year and denied that either ever raised the subject of sanctions.
Nine current and former officials, who were in senior positions at multiple agencies at the time of the calls, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters.
All of those officials said Flynn’s references to the election-related sanctions were explicit. Two of those officials went further, saying that Flynn urged Russia not to overreact to the penalties being imposed by President Barack Obama, making clear that the two sides would be in position to review the matter after Trump was sworn in as president.
A third official put it more bluntly, saying that either Flynn had misled Pence or that Pence misspoke. An administration official stressed that Pence made his comments based on his conversation with Flynn.. The sanctions in question have so far remained in place. […] – The Washington Post