Comments on: Trump Trial Update: The Trial Of The Century? News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 29 Apr 2024 03:53:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wil Wed, 24 Apr 2024 13:00:47 +0000 Salon:

On Monday, Trump begged his followers on Truth Social to “RALLY BEHIND MAGA” at courthouses, unsubtly suggesting that they model themselves after the mostly imaginary leftist rioters who “scream, shout, sit, block traffic, enter buildings, not get permits, and basically do whatever they want.” When the MAGA hats failed to show, Trump tried to inspire them with a post complaining that it’s “SO UNFAIR!!!” that he doesn’t get throngs of people like the kind seen at the anti-war protest up the street at Columbia University. Outside of a few scattered people with pro-Trump signs, though, the mob he longed for never showed. So he took his pleas to the cameras outside of the courthouse Tuesday morning:

What’s especially funny about all this is Trump can’t quite admit that his people just aren’t showing up. So he keeps blaming the barricades and the police presence. His lies got to the level of childish make-believe on Tuesday afternoon, as he falsely claimed on Truth Social that “Thousands of people were turned away from the Courthouse” and denied he “was disappointed by the crowds.” Of course, by fantasizing about a massive caravan rallied to his defense, he proved he is not satisfied with reality.

No matter what story Trump wants to tell, it’s obvious what’s happening: MAGA isn’t there because they don’t want to be.

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 24 Apr 2024 11:44:30 +0000 I knew that not more than a few Trump supporters, if that, would actually show up at any Courthouse to protest any of Trump’s trials. We’ve talked about it a few times here on this site.

I said the primary reason those internet “Rambo wanbabes” won’t show up is Jan. 6 – the response of the Feds. Trump supporters are mostly Fake alphas like their “Prezdint.”

And they don’t really give a fig about Trump. They’re justvdesperately afraid and NEED to believe that he can save them from a Black and brown America.

He can’t. But they need to believe it.

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 24 Apr 2024 11:26:14 +0000 Greetings everyone!

I’m currently away attending a Mental Health Conference at a location that just isn’t that good for internet and mobile phone connections!

Fortunately the connection is good right now. But I could lose it again at any time. 🫤
