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Trump Trip To El Paso, Dayton, A Divisive Disaster!

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On Wednesday, Donald Trump decided to make a pit stop in Dayton and El Paso — you know, to show America that he “cares” about the horrific murders of the citizens of those communities.  Well, needless to say, the Trump trip did not go well!

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The tale of the Trump trip actually began early Wednesday morning, when ‘The Donald’ took to Twitter to play politics with the El Paso and Dayton massacres.

Trump Trip“‘Meanwhile, the Dayton, Ohio, shooter had a history of supporting political figures like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and ANTIFA,” Trump tweeted.  “@OANN I hope other news outlets will report this as opposed to Fake News. Thank you!”

Trump’s words followed an urgent request by the Department of Homeland Security to make domestic terrorism by white supremacists a high priority — a request Trump denied!

Next, while on the White House lawn, a reporter asked Trump if he understands how his own rhetoric against immigrants and Hispanics has torn the American people apart.

“My rhetoric brings people TOGETHER!” Trump exclaimed, apparently speaking from within his own alternate universe.


Another reporter asked if he’s concerned about the rise of white supremacy.

“I am concerned about the rise of any group of hate. I don’t like it,” Trump said. “Whether it’s white supremacy, whether it’s any other kind of supremacy. Whether it’s Antifa…”


Did you catch what he did there?  Just like his “There are very fine people on both sides” retort following the Charlottesville white supremacy march, Donald Trump proved where his allegiance lies by refusing to point the finger of guilt toward supremacists for even a single second.  Instead, he watered down his remarks by attempting to make the issue about various groups and avoid the real question and the real problem:  white supremacy.

The exchange continued.

REPORTER: You and the El Paso shooter used the same language. Did you regret that?

TRUMP: “I think illegal immigration is a terrible thing for this country. I think you have to come in legally.”

Had this been a game of dodgeball, Donald Trump would have been the clear winner for not only dodging every single issue presented to him, but also reality.

Yes, before setting a single foot on Air Force One to begin the Trump trip to Dayton and El Paso, ‘The Donald’ made sure to get right back to his usual political rhetoric and to take back all the fake “Kumbaya/unity” BS he tried to sell just a day before in his speech to the American people.

Trump Trip

And then Trump landed in Dayton, where scores of demonstrators stood outside the site of the Saturday night massacre with placards that read “Not Welcome Here,” and “Go To Toledo!”

Donald Trump skipped visiting the murder scene and, in doing so, avoided seeing the shouting protesters up close (although he almost certainly watched it all on TV on the flight and in his car).  For some, his non-presence at the crime scene was a blessing.

“A lot of time his talk can be very divisive,” Mayor Nan Whaley said, adding “and that is the last thing we need in Dayton.”

Right on cue, the thin-skinned Trump took offense and called the mayor’s remarks a “fraud” while adding that such commentary only comes from “disgraceful politicians, doing nothing but politicizing a mass shooting, at every turn they can.”

His reception upon landing in El Paso wasn’t any better.

Democratic Rep. Veronica Escobar (who represents El Paso), refused to join Trump at the airport after he ignored her request to retract his anti-immigrant and anti-Latino statements.  In fact, residents and local community leaders warned him in advance NOT to come to their city. Too bad he didn’t heed their advice.

Trump Trip

Upon his arrival in El Paso, Donald Trump was greeted with more demonstrations, including placards that read “White Privilege + Male Anger + Guns = Mass Murder,” and “Go Home Devil.”

Once again, Trump avoided the actual crime scene and the angry demonstrations, choosing instead to create euphoric photo-ops that presented him as a positive and caring force.

Once aboard Air Force One and headed back to Washington, ‘The Donald’ couldn’t help but lob one final series of insults at those who don’t subscribe to his concept of reality.  He took potshots at Democratic Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown, who he called a “failed presidential candidate.  He demeaned Democratic Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley, who he claimed “totally misrepresented” him on TV, then added: “I think the victims and first responders were grateful that the President of the United States came to Dayton.” He even insulted Texas Democrat Beto O’Rourke, who he mocked for having what he called a “fake” nickname (Beto) to create the illusion that he is Hispanic.


During his remarks on Tuesday, Donald Trump said: “Now is the time to set destructive partisanship aside, so destructive, and find the courage to answer hatred with unity, devotion, and love.”  However, less than 24 hours later, those words and that fake sentiment was already out the window.  Unity be damned. The old Donald was back.

What a difference a day makes.

Let’s face it, the Trump trip to Dayton and El Paso was not a legitimate moment to heal the nation.  Since his actions clearly spoke much louder than his words, the trip was nothing more than a publicity stunt to appear as if he was a caring and compassionate leader (SPOILER ALERT:  He’s not!).  In fact, many are already saying Trump’s presence in El Paso and Dayton was equivalent to an arsonist igniting a wildfire, then returning to the scene of the crime to console the victims and look like a doting hero.

Yes, only Donald Trump could turn a day of healing into an opportunity to deepen divisions.


OK WASSUP! covers the Top News Today:
Donald’s Trump Trip to Dayton, El Paso, was a disaster!


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. AP:
    The stream of bizarre takes from right-wing commentators in the wake of violence in El Paso and Dayton isn’t showing any signs of slowing down.

    Speaking on the Sunday edition of Sunday Morning Meeting Time, Chris McDonald said that the tragic events over the weekend were part of a “deep state game” that was an attack on the religious freedom of Christians.

    “There is a spiritual war over this country,” McDonald said in a video flagged by Right Wing Watch. “When you see things that take place like you saw last night in El Paso and Dayton, it’s nothing but the devil.”

    “The guns didn’t do this; people did this full of the devil and they were demon-possessed and these people are being used as pawns in this elite, deep state game to control this country, to take the guns away, to take any freedom away that we’ve got,” he continued.

    According to McDonald, it’s “not just about the guns, it’s about your ability to worship.”

    “It’s all tied together, because if they can take your guns away, they can take your ability to worship God away and they are trying to do everything in one swoop.”

    1. This is the foolish (and at times deadly) consequences of mixing religion and politics.

      There’s a lot to be said for the Separation of Church and State. Unfortunately, the Republican party cynically threw that idea out the window with reckless abandon in the backlash to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1968.

      Sen. Barry Goldwater, of Arizona (a staunch Repub conservative) tried to warn his beloved GOP -Don’t. Do. It.

      He knew it was folly to climb into bed (if you will) with Any religious group and specifically pointed to Conservative right-wing Christians. He knew It could most certainly have catastrophic ramifications and eventually lead to the destruction of the GOP.

    2. I also wanted to add……….

      Although {Goldwater} had supported earlier civil rights legislation, he notably opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as he believed it to be an overreach by the federal government. […]-Wikipedia

      And even he wanted no more dealings with right-wing Christians.

      “Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can’t and won’t compromise. I know, I’ve tried to deal with them.” – Barry Goldwater

      (as quoted by John Dean in his book, Conservatives Without Conscience, Nov. 1994).

      1. It seems like Goldwater had it right. Christians use to kill black people in the name of God, now they are backing a phony like Trump in the name of God. They don’t really care about religion. All they care about is making up their own rules and looking down on everybody else that does not follow what they say.

  2. Trump IS who he is…so naturally (and predictably) he behaved as he did.

    The man really cannot help himself. And btw, what part of THAT does the news media NOT understand!?!

    Most of the babblers over at CNN and MSNBC repeatedly parrot each other’s nonsense and unrealistic exceptions. They are just pitiful.

  3. Trump is a racist and the whole world knows it. He goes out his way to protect all the racists which is why they love him so much. But what I don’t understand is this. If he was going to go back to being the clown he always is, why did he even give a speech or bother going to Dayton and El Paso? He could have just stayed up in the White House tweeting the same old mess if that was the case.

    1. “If he was going to go back to being the clown he always is, why did he even give a speech or bother going to Dayton and El Paso?”

      BD, I think it came down to this. Some folks in his inner-circle panicked and advised him to do it for two main reasons. First: They’re worried about losing some Trump voters who may very well be on the verge of turning on him – having finally had Enough of this Hatefest/and sh*tshow known as the “Trump presidency.” Second: They’re worried about down-ticket Repubs pols in swing districts who may be at serious risk of losing their seats in the next elections.

      In short: It was a pitiful attempt at damage control by trying to make the guy seem…well…human.

      And of course it Failed!

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