Comments on: Trump TV Behind Donald’s Fake Candidacy? News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Thu, 25 Aug 2016 07:43:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr. BD Wed, 24 Aug 2016 19:53:50 +0000 i think I can agree with this more than the Michael Moore thing on Monday. He said Trump doesn't know what to do now that he's losing but this gives Trump a plan. He is just sneaky enough to have something up his sleeve and this sounds real possible. If he loses he can say it was rigged and have all those angry white men start tuning into whatever he says next because they will feel like they have a voice. So like DJ said if he loses he really wins.

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 24 Aug 2016 16:31:18 +0000 Sizable Trump rallies that have included tens of thousands of America’s forgotten misfits and over-the-top racists have proven that a sufficient demand for a media outlet to the right of Fox News exists. […]

Time and again, Donald Trump has made it clear he has no interest in supporting Republican candidates or playing nice with the Republican establishment. In fact, he has no real love for the GOP, but only for himself. He isn’t trying to appeal to more people in order to win the election. He’s trying to appeal more to the people who already support him in the interest of creating a loyal following for an “alternate-universe” media company. […]

Great post DJ. Very informative. .

Btw- you may recall, I love me some analysis by Nate Silver (having followed the guy for almost 9 yrs now) so I was delighted to see your reference to his article "Trump Is Doubling Down on a Losing Strategy,”

Not only do I find it very plausible that Trump may now be laying the groundwork for a Donald Trump TV Network (DTN) after he loses the election -I think it also explains a lot as to Sean Hannity kissing up to Trump ad nauseam. It's not lost on Sean that Trump reportedly values loyalty.

My guess is – with the future being so uncertain at Faux Noise (since Ailes was forced out) Sean is aiming for the #1 spot in front of the TV cameras working for Trump should Trump be successful in launching his own TV Network.

Good Lawd, what a crew. Trump, Bannon, Ailes and (possibly) Sean Hannity. And about 14 million possible viewers ready to lap up whatever highly toxic garbage that crew throws at them….smh.

You really can't make this stuff up.
