
Trump TV Network Already Launched?

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Has the Trump TV Network already launched?
Has the Trump TV Network already launched?

Politics –
Trump TV Network
Already Launched?

Just before last week’s heated debate was set to begin, Donald Trump posted this message to Facebook: “If you’re tired of biased, mainstream media reporting (otherwise known as Crooked Hillary’s super PAC), tune into my Facebook Live broadcast.”

Was this the unofficial launch of the Trump TV Network?

For more than a year, ordinary Americans have openly wondered why Donald Trump decided out of nowhere to run for president without any prior political experience or desire. Initially, many believed “The Donald” was running so that he could botch the election and help his old friend Hillary Clinton become president (if this was it, he’s succeeding), while others accepted Trump’s aspirations as genuine.  The confusion was compounded whenever Trump chose to play to his base at the expense of appealing to swing voters, prompting observers to wonder if he has merely been stoking the emotions of a future paying audience.

Now, Vanity Fair, The New York Times and other outlets are hypothesizing that Donald Trump has been after something much bigger (and more lucrative) than the presidency along.

Here comes Trump TV!

Think about it…Donald Trump has awakened and harnessed the passions of a forgotten segment of American society: lower-class, undereducated whites who are fearful of the browning of America. Some of these citizens are racists who still can’t get over the fact that a black man won The White House twice in a row, or the conspiracy theorists who remain convinced President Obama is a secret Muslim who was born in Kenya and therefore ineligible for the presidency.  For a potential Trump TV Network this is pay dirt, as they’d be singing to the choir. More importantly, it’s a captive audience that will believe whatever they’re told to believe.


In what was likely a trial run for what’s to come, last Wednesday’s Trump TV Network test run drew more than 200,000 viewers and featured commentary from retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer.  It also featured the hashtag “#TrumpTV” (hint-hint).  In case you missed it, the shows resembled a watered down version of a cable news channel and was pro-Trump from beginning to end. After all, the campaign did say it needed to take its message “straight to the American people” and bypass “the corrupt mainstream media.”

Trump’s handlers, including son-in-law Jared Kushner, worked with the conservative live-streaming site Right Side Broadcasting to produce the pre-game and post-game shows for the debate. Almost immediately, the live feed generated tons of press with many asking “did Trump TV launch last night?”

“He basically teased the opening season of Trump TV,” Daily Beast editor in chief John Avlon said on CNN.

When asked about the likelihood of a huge loss on November 8th leading directly into a Trump TV Network, Trump campaign CEO and Breitbart News chairman Steve Bannon was coy.

“Trump is an entrepreneur,” Bannon said with a wink and a smile. He also pointed out Trump’s social media prowess on Facebook and Twitter, saying, “Look at the engagement. It’s incredible.”

Has Donald Trump been using us all along? Does he have what it takes to build a successful 24/7 Trump television network?





OK WASSUP! discusses politics.
Did the Trump TV Network secretly launch?

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Has Donald Trump been using us all along? [..]

Wow. This is kinda tricky for me but okay…here's my 2 cents: Yes. …and No.

Yes – because I have always felt that his initial decision to run was only about seizing an opportunity to enhance his brand. He had not real interest in being president.

No -because I don't think the idea for Trump TV really took root until he accidentally discovered there's a population of (mostly) White Americans who are really "poorly educated," gullible, hateful and will gladly swallow whatever toxic BS Trump is serving.

Does he have what it takes to build a successful 24/7 Trump television network? [..]

No. I don't think so. I think he'll try. But Fail.


I know if he does build a news network it would be a HUGE success!


(a side-thought to the discussion)………. Trump's disastrous run for the presidency has revealed much more than he had ever imagined it would. First: He's NOT a very knowledgeable man at all. He's an ignorant man who operates mostly from his own guttural instincts. And his instincts aren't very good. 2nd. He's NOT nearly as rich as he claims to be – perhaps not even worth $1 billion dollars(?) 3rd. He's maintained his wealth over the years by mostly scamming his investors, cheating contractors and filing bankruptcies. 4th: Contrary to his claim, there's no evidence that he actually hires the *best and the brightest* business people. But in addition to all that, I believe the most telling thing that's been revealed about Donald J. Trump is this….. He's a Narcissist, in every sense of the word…and to him WINNING is everything! The thought of LOSING…at anything…is something he can't even imagine… Read more »

Mr. BD

Now that I think about it I don't think Trump can have a whole network and make it work. Even Oprah couldn't do it at first. Plus I think everybody is going to get tired of Trump as soon as the election is over. We are tired of him now and nobody wants to keep hearing from him if he lost. His brand is in trouble and it could be funny if this whole run for president ruins him for good.


AP said this: WELCOME TO THE Donald Trump show! Tonight, the Trump campaign is kicking off a show that will air on the candidate’s Facebook page every night at 6:30 pm ET via Facebook Live from the campaign war room at Trump Tower. The show will be hosted by Boris Epshteyn, a senior adviser to the campaign, Tomi Lahren, a conservative commentator for Glen Beck’s TheBlaze, and Cliff Sims, another Trump adviser. In tonight’s inaugural episode they will interview Trump campaign manager KellyAnne Conway and adviser Jason Miller. The series, which will stream Trump’s rallies directly each night and feature pre-and post-event commentary, comes on the heels of the campaign’s debate night Facebook Live last week, which brought in more than 9 million views. Members of the media quickly seized on the event, calling it a test drive for Trump TV, the post-election television network that Trump is rumored to… Read more »

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