Comments on: Trump vs Biden: The Final Debate News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Sun, 01 Nov 2020 23:26:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr.BD Fri, 23 Oct 2020 16:54:19 +0000 I tried to watch this thing last night then after about half an hour I had to cut it off. I got tired of watching Trump try to act like he had some sense. This race is already over. People are voting already and made up their minds. I am not trying to count the chickens before they hatch but I have to agree with Truth. Trump is going down and I think it is going down big. The debate was a waste of time.

By: Wil Fri, 23 Oct 2020 12:42:45 +0000 New York Times:

Mr. Trump, who badgered Mr. Biden with increasing aggression over the course of the debate, appeared determined to cast his opponent as a career politician who was, as he jabbed toward the end of the debate, “all talk and no action.” And the president used the event as his most prominent platform yet for airing unsubstantiated or baseless attacks about the finances of Mr. Biden and members of his family.

Mr. Trump, however, did little to lay out an affirmative case for his own re-election, or to explain in clear terms what he would hope to do with another four years in the White House. He frequently misrepresented the facts of his own record, and Mr. Biden’s. And on his most important political vulnerability — his mismanagement of the pandemic — Mr. Trump hewed unswervingly to a message that happy days are nearly here again, even as polls show that a majority of voters believe the worst of the coronavirus crisis is still ahead.

Trailing in a series of crucial swing states, and with 48 million Americans having already voted, the president was under more pressure. But while he proved he can engage in a more conventional political jousting, it was less clear whether his performance could prompt people who dislike him to reconsider their well-ingrained perceptions.

By: Truthiz1 Fri, 23 Oct 2020 11:30:15 +0000 The final Trump vs Biden debate took place on Thursday night. Did it move the needle for Donald Trump? […] – DJ

No. He’s going to lose. And I think he knows he’s going to lose. And I pray that his defeat is absolutely decisive. 

I didn’t watch any of it but I’ve watched a few video clips this morning. Aside from Trump’s predictable actions (lying and rambling nonsensical babble), his body language was also very telling. He’s already defeated.

But WE shouldn’t take anything for granted or become over-confident. VOTE!
