Trump vs Harris Debate: Will He, Or Won’t He?
Is the September 10th Trump vs Harris Debate still happening? Don’t count on it!
Politics :
Once upon a time, the bombastic and self-assured Donald Trump openly bragged that he was ready to debate anytime and anywhere. However, that was when Joe Biden was his opponent. Now, that President Biden has pulled out of the race and Vice President Kamala Harris is the official Democratic nominee, the once-confident Trump has become the textbook definition of wishy-washy.
First, the debate was on. Then, as soon as Joe Biden pulled out it was off. However, once social media mocked Trump for being a scaredy cat, peer pressure forced him right back into the Trump vs Harris debate.
Now, it appears to be off again — but, why?
According to David Ignatius of The Washington Post, Donald Trump is legitimately afraid of Kamala Harris. Every trick and insult he’s attempted to use against her hasn’t worked. All the jokes Trump stacked against the “old” and “feeble” Joe Biden can now be used against him by a candidate who is 19 years younger than him. Plus, the camera simply loves Kamala — and the vain Trump is concerned how he might look standing next to her. Oh, and he’s also afraid that the one-time Attorney General may absolutely mop the floor with him.
“I think what we’ve seen in the days before the convention and certainly after is that Trump just doesn’t know how to deal with Kamala Harris,” Ignatius said. “He doesn’t know how to pigeonhole her. His usual language of belittlement and derision isn’t working.
“There is in the country this sense, I think, relief from an election people were dreading between two candidates who have run before, an acrimonious, nasty convention, sense of the country locked with these two older Americans. Suddenly, there was a convention that really was a joyous event and, that said, we’ve turned a page.”
Only days after the highly successful Democratic National Convention ended, Trump took to his Truth Social network and, out of nowhere, began an attempt to wiggle out of the upcoming Trump vs Harris Debate.
“Why would I do the Debate against Kamala Harris on that network?” Trump posted Sunday night. He then went on to call ABC “biased” and full of “Trump Haters,” before filling the rest of his post with tedious name calling — “Crooked,” “Marxist” — and attacks on the insufficiently fawning journalists of ABC.
“They’ve got a lot of questions to answer!!!” Trump continued in his rant. “Why did Harris turn down Fox, NBC, CBS, and even CNN? Stay tuned!!!”
So, if Trump legitimately believes ABC News is “too biased” against him to consider taking the stage with Harris, why did he agree to the debate at all?
“Trump can’t figure out how to turn his own page, I think, as he plans for the debate,” Ignatius said. “He has to appreciate she is charismatic and charming on television in a way he fancies that he is.
“The camera loves Kamala Harris. She’s learned in the cadence of her speeches, the way she presents herself, to be a formidable TV presence. Donald Trump knows TV. He’s smart enough to know he’s got a problem here, he needs to figure it out.”
Not only does the Harris campaign want the planned Trump vs Harris Debate to proceed as planned on September 10th, but they also want the candidate’s mics to be live and open the entire time. Ms. Harris knows how flustered and rude Trump can be when others are speaking (which won’t work so well seeing him constantly interrupting and insulting a female candidate). She wants to use his uncontrollable personality against him for all of America to see. She also wants to stop Trump from in his tracks with her patented line, “I’m speaking.”
Now, the court of public opinion is having its way with Donald Trump and a debate flip-flop that proves he’s running scared.
“It’s a lose-lose situation for him. If he skips it, he’ll be mocked for being a coward; if he goes, Harris is going to mop the floor with him, and he’ll be ridiculed as an idiot. It’s no wonder why he’s breaking down and freaking out right now.”
“He can no longer rely on the juxtaposition of him and Biden, where he looked physically better and mentally more there. He doesn’t want to be on a split screen with Kamala, who’s younger and way smarter and would run circles around him in a debate about issues. All he has is personal attacks and fear-mongering. That’s what’s going on here.”
“He knows he’s out of his depth. This isn’t Sleepy Joe, it’s the prosecutor.”
Even a top Democrat got in on the act.
“This former president is so scared to get on the debate stage,” DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison charged. “But I guess if I had his positions, I’d be scared to let the American people know what they were as well.”
A GOP strategist believes that if Trump goes through with the debate, it’ll be a “disaster for him.”
During a Monday appearance on CNN, Stuart Stevens said that not only is Trump’s head in the wrong place — “his campaign knows it.”
“He doesn’t respect the vice president,” Stevens said after pointing out how Trump has called Ms. Harris “dumb” and a “socialist lunatic.”
“And that’s going to come across” on live television.
Stevens also confirmed that Trump has a “problem with women” — and a “real problem with Black women in power.”
“This is going to come across. I think this is going to be a very bad night for Trump,” Stevens added.
Will the Trump vs Harris Debate happen on September 10th or at all? Thanks to the fears of Donald Drumpf, we can only wait and see.
OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Will the Trump vs Harris Debate happen as planned?
The Hill:
Republicans argued that Trump, who has dismissed the idea that Harris is gaining ground in the polls, can ill afford to skip the debate on Sept. 10. Democrats, meanwhile, are eager to label the former president as scared to take on the vice president.
“That debate becomes a decisive moment for the election,” said one Republican strategist. “Paid media doesn’t move numbers. I don’t know how much swing voters pay attention to daily news cycles. But these debates are just Super Bowl level events in American politics.”
John LaBombard, former communications director to Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.), argued that Trump has been struggling with campaigning against Harris and the back-and-forth over the debate shows fear over her candidacy.
“Now comes the debate format, on which everyday voters are going to be left wondering why former President Trump—ostensibly an adult wanting to prove his competency to serve again as president—is so nervous about what will be picked up by live microphones,” said LaBombard, a senior vice president at ROKK Solutions. “It may be that he’s seen how much more skilled and capable Vice President Harris is on a debate stage than her predecessor, but no matter the reason, it betrays a sense of fear on the part of Trump’s campaign.”
I caution the Harris/Walz campaign to NOT get cocky or too over confident about ANY aspect of this race. Keep your head down and keep running a great campaign. It ain’t over till it’s over. I think Trump is in a lose/lose situation regarding the debate? You’re darn skippy!
He’s absolutely Terrified at the thought of having to debate her. But he also knows what it will look like if he runs from her.
Will he show up on Sept 10th? We shall see.
Hey Truth there is one thing I really respect Kamala is doing. She keeps stressing she is the under dog. I do not think anybody in her camp is too confident. She knows this is going to be a tough race and keeps saying it. But she is ready to out think Trump because he keeps underestimating her. That is his big mistake he will get taught to regret.
I agree BD. So far, she’s done a great job keeping her feet on the ground and her eyes on the Prize!
I just hope her campaign staff and supporters keep that in mind!
I am curious as to what LIE his MAGAt minions will tell themselves if he does poorly in the debate? Or worse, he tucks tail and runs away?
Trump is damned if he does, damed if he doesn’t. Everybody knows he cannot control himself and does not respect women. Then add to that he is going against a black woman. He will get up there and say something disrespectful and it will be all over. That is if he even shows up. If he does not show up he will appear scared. He has no way out.
Trump wants Biden back so bad he cannot help himself. Kamala is going to make him look stupid up there and belittle him. He will not be able to handle it. I think he is going to find some excuse not to debate her. Maybe he will say ABC is rigged or something like that like he did with the last election. If there is one thing Trump knows how to do is save face. He will lie some kind of way and not show up.