
Trump vs Pence: The Safety Threat Against The VP

- Trump was willing to sacrifice Mike Pence if it meant he wouldn't look like a loser

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In the waning days of the Donald Trump administration, several new reports have confirmed that a bitter Trump vs Pence battle was so severe that it quickly snowballed into a matter of life and death.

Politics :
According to The New York Times, one day before a mob of Trump MAGA supporters stormed the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, VP Mike Pence’s chief of staff called Mr. Pence’s lead Secret Service agent into his West Wing office on a matter of urgency. Chief of Staff Marc Short delivered a grave message to Agent Tim Giebels: Trump was planning to turn publicly against Pence and the West Wing expected the fallout to lead to a security risk against the safety of the vice president.

Trump vs Pence

Yes, once it became clear that Mike Pence would not and could not illegally certify the election for Donald Trump (instead of the duly elected Joe Biden), ‘The Donald’ was livid and Trump vs Pence was born. In fact, Agent Giebels recognized that intensifying pressure from Trump toward Pence had already exploded into a bitter breach between the 2 men that no one expected to end well.

Little did he know just how deadly the Trump vs Pence rift would develop.

As VP Pence stood on the US Senate floor and did his duty to certify the 2020 presidential election results, Trump’s MAGA misfits stormed the Capitol building in a modern-day insurrection. In response to the approaching attack, the US Secret Service swiftly ushered the vice president to safety — all while the MAGA mob stood on the steps of democracy and chanted the unthinkable: HANG MIKE PENCE!

Trump vs Pence

Sadly, the mob was so drunk with support for Trump that they were willing to watch Mike Pence die rather than admit Donald Trump lost. However, the worst part of the story was only just beginning.

According to POLITICO, once Trump heard the “hang Mike Pence” chants on live television from his supporters, he openly voiced his support for the death of his own vice president.

In testimony presented to the House select committee hearing evidence about the Capitol insurrection, then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows was dining with Trump off the Oval Office on January 6th. However, at one point he left the dining room to inform others inside The White House that Trump had signaled his support for the actual hanging of Mike Pence.

Trump vs Pence

“Donald J. Trump was complaining that the vice president was being whisked to safety.

– Maggie Haberman, The New York Times

If sources from The New York Times and POLITICO are correct and accurate, Donald Trump was willing to do anything — ANYTHING — to remain in power inside the Oval Office. If it meant throwing his own vice president under a bus or, in this instance, into a rabid mob that had already constructed a noose and gallows for an old-world hanging, Trump had lost all touch with reality and held ZERO shame for his actions.

The blinders on his eyes could only see one path: win by ANY MEANS necessary — and NEVER accept defeat!

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
The escalation of Trump vs Pence on January 6th.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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“If sources from The New York Times and POLITICO are correct and accurate, Donald Trump was willing to do anything — ANYTHING — to remain in power inside the Oval Office. If it meant throwing his own vice president under a bus or, in this instance, into a rabid mob that had already constructed a noose and gallows for an old-world hanging…” then so be it!

“The blinders on his eyes could only see one path: win by ANY MEANS necessary — and NEVER accept defeat!”

Yep! That’s it in a nutshell. 

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

New York Times: By early January, Mr. Pence made clear to Mr. Trump that he did not believe he had the power to do what the president wanted, but he also indicated that he would keep studying the issue. Mr. Trump tweeted on the morning of Jan. 5 that Mr. Pence could reject electors. He had tried to persuade some of his informal advisers outside the White House to go to the Naval Observatory, the vice president’s official residence, to seek an audience to pressure Mr. Pence. That day, Mr. Trump spoke with Mr. Pence again, pressing him to do what the vice president said he could not. “You’ll never take back our country with weakness,” Mr. Trump told his supporters. At another point, he said: “Mike Pence, I hope you’re going to stand up for the good of our Constitution and for the good of our country. And if… Read more »


Mike Pence is a fool for having put his life in danger by wrapping his arms around such a highly venomous snake in the first place!

His loyalty to the Constitution nearly cost him his life on Jan. 6. And who knows? His life may still be in danger.

Many, if not most, Trump supporters are dangerous extremists! And like their “fuhrer” they hold on to grudges a looooong time.

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

You got that right Truth. Anybody that was stupid enough to get involved with that nut should not be surprised when things turn sour. I think they really would have hung Pence if they could have found him. And it would have all been because of Trump.


Trump is a nightmare that keeps on going and going and going like the energizer bunny.

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