Trump vs US Governor’s vs The Truth!
A brewing Trump vs US Governor’s conflict has the state executives charting their own course amid the COVID-19 battle and Donald Trump seething mad for being left out.
For the past month, Donald Trump has made it clear that he takes “no responsibility” for the nation being underprepared for the coronavirus pandemic, that he is not a “shipping clerk” waiting to fulfill medical supply orders for states, and that America’s governors are on their own in locating and purchasing whatever equipment they need. In short, he wanted no part in putting in the hard work.
However, now that whispers of reopening the economy are in the infancy stage, the egomaniacal Trump is front and center ready to receive accolades for bringing us all back to normal “with a big bang.”
“I’m going to have to make a decision and I only hope to God that it’s the right decision,” Trump said of his lone decision on when he will allow America to reopen. “But I would say without question it’s the biggest decision I’ve ever had to make.”
“When somebody is president of the United States, your authority is total.” – Donald Trump
The only problem here is that Donald Trump doesn’t have the authority to make that determination. It wasn’t his decision to close all 50 states, so it’s not his decision to reopen it on a date of his own choosing.
Realizing weeks ago that their key to survival was to depend on themselves and not Donald Trump, America’s governor’s got used to getting things done on their own. So, it should come as no surprise that the governors of California, Oregon, and Washington are now working in tandem to collect and share medical supplies as well as coordinate the eventual opening of their state economies. On the east coast, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Delaware have also joined forces to do the same as their western counterparts.
Now, Donald Trump is enraged — hence, the Trump vs US Governor’s conflict.
For the purpose of creating conflict and confusion, some in the Fake News Media are saying that it is the Governors decision to open up the states, not that of the President of the United States & the Federal Government. Let it be fully understood that this is incorrect….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 13, 2020
….It is the decision of the President, and for many good reasons. With that being said, the Administration and I are working closely with the Governors, and this will continue. A decision by me, in conjunction with the Governors and input from others, will be made shortly!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 13, 2020
However, here’s the truth: just as Gov. DeSantis of Florida held the authority to keep his state’s beaches open during spring break while the rest of the country was shut down, America’s governors hold the same authority to reopen or keep closed their respective states.
Donald Trump wanted to be the knight riding in on a white horse who could single-handily return us all back to normalcy on a date and time of his own choosing. However, that’s not going to happen. The day he chose not to take responsibility is the day governors brushed Trump to the side and began working together without him.
“The President can *informally* put pressure on local/state governments. He can mess with emergency funding. And he can even order the federal workforce back to their offices,” explained University of Texas law professor Stephen Vladeck. “But largely because he’s left so much to local authorities so far, this, too, is ultimately up to them.”
So, he can throw a Twitter tantrum or he can rant and rave — but the day schools, stores, and the economy reopen to the public is a day the governors — and not Donald Trump — will decide.
With 23,000 Americans dead and millions without a paycheck, President Donald Trump dimmed the lights in the White House briefing room, fired up a misleading propaganda video and boiled over.
In one of the most unchained presidential tantrums ever captured on television, Trump’s Monday display flouted every notion of calm leadership by the commander in chief in a crisis.
He claimed powers never envisioned by the Constitution and insisted his “authority is total” to order states and cities to get moving again to break out of the frozen economy. His warning came as two blocs of Eastern and Western hot-spot states banded together in an implied challenge to his vow to get people back to work soon, setting off a brewing confrontation over the power of the federal government.
During the news conference, Trump moaned that the press was not giving him credit because “everything we did was right” in the coronavirus pandemic.
Raging at reporters, the President used the campaign-style video to mislead the nation about his sluggish recognition of the threat from the virus, after once predicting a “miracle” that would make it go away. He called up his top medical adviser, Dr. Anthony Fauci, to publicly repudiate his own words Sunday on CNN, which had been interpreted as criticism of early administration actions.
When the Category Five presidential storm had blown out, Trump had offered no new guidance on the key issues — for instance, the continued inadequacy of testing, which will hamper the nation’s economic opening. He vowed that the economy would fire up “ahead of schedule” but did not explain how, when many states are at or are approaching their peak infection rates. And he appeared to warn he would try to force open state economies, including shops, schools and restaurants closed by governors and mayors. He did not explain, either, how he would convince the public to get back to normal if people did not feel confident they were safe.
“The President of the United States calls the shots,” Trump said.
But after the briefing, Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he disagreed with Trump’s interpretation of his powers, stating that the President is not a monarch.
“We don’t have a king. We have an elected president,” Cuomo said during an interview with CNN’s Erin Burnett. “The Constitution clearly says the powers that are not specifically listed for the federal government are reserved for the states, and the bounds between federal and state authority are central to the Constitution — one of the great balances of power.”
The Founding Fathers “didn’t want a king, otherwise we would have had King George Washington,” Cuomo added.
Thanks Wil….
I can’t stomach seeing or listening to that creature NOT even for a minute. Of course, I had heard about his full-blown dumpster fire yesterday but I hadn’t read any detailed articles on it yet.
Between you and DJ, you both saved me the time.
“So, he can throw a Twitter tantrum or he can rant and rave — but the day schools, stores, and the economy reopen to the public is a day the governors — and not Donald Trump — will decide.” – DJ
“One very slight silver lining of the Trump administration’s catastrophic handling of the coronavirus pandemic is the opportunity it affords Americans to revisit, and perhaps learn for the first time, some constitutional basics. In this moment, the scope of the president’s power in the face of Trump’s extraordinary claims is perhaps the most important of them all.” – Kim Wehle, writer at The Bulwark, April 13, 2020
Man, if only more Americans would do just that -take this time to at least “learn some Constitutional basics” especially related to presidential powers….now THAT would indeed be a great thing!
Once again the breath and scope of Trump’s ignorance was put on FULL display for all of America and the entire world to SEE. Naturally, being the FAKE authoritarian wannabe that he is, the poor fool just can’t help himself…smh.
It appears that he truly has NO sense of awareness at all that the “total power” he claims to have as president does NOT exist. The claim is total BS, having absolutely NO basis in reality….let alone Constitutional reality!
Also, from what I’ve heard reported this morning, apparently Mike Pence is just fine with Trump’s alternative reality, regarding presidential power. Of course, Pence knows better but he’s already sold his soul so there you have it.
“Cuomo’s been calling daily, even hourly, begging for everything, most of which should have been the state’s responsibility, such as new hospitals, beds, ventilators, etc. I got it all done for him, and everyone else, and now he seems to want Independence! That won’t happen!”
This fool wants to be a dictator so bad its not even funny. I just watched Cuomo do his press conference and he had to give Trump a history lesson. The president does not get total authority. Trump sees his heros Putin and Kim Jong Un running everything telling people what to do and he wants that. We know he is dumb as a stump but he must have never paid attention in civics class if he thinks he can do whatever. Like Cuomo said today, he does not want a fight with Donald Trump. But if Trump tries to force New York to open and it will bring harm to the citizens he said Trump will be in for a fight he is not ready for. I am all for it.
Oh and that video he showed yesterday was a mess. Playing a fake campaign video while everybody came there to talk about the virus was crazy. Who does that?
Trump is frustrated that the governors are getting so much credit and no blame while he gets all the blame and none of the credit. He particularly complains about Cuomo. This man child is getting us all killed. The Governors have stepped up and he’s whining about not getting any credit?! He’s nothing but an impediment to these leaders trying to mitigate the damage he has caused.