Trump Wall Goes From Bad Idea To Worse

Current Events –
Trump Wall Goes From
Bad Idea To Worse
In case you forgot, Donald Trump signed an executive order to build the ‘Trump Wall’ along the US-Mexico border in order to keep the Mexicans out! Here’s why his Trump Wall is a horrifically bad idea:
Current Events
According to the US Department of Homeland Security, the Trump Wall would be a series of fences and cement walls along the nearly 1,900 mile US-Mexico border.  It would take more than 3 years to fully construct and would cost as much as $21.6 billion dollars, which is substantially more than the $12-billion figure Trump promised during his campaign. Needless to say, that ain’t peanuts.
Typically, most opinions from Donald Trump’s mouth initially sound like a good idea (to his supporters), but the logistics of actually implementing his ideas are frequently just plain bad. Such is the case with the Trump Wall.
Building a border wall to keep illegal immigrants out might not be such a bad idea if the land were flat… and without tricky lakes and rivers… oh, and owned by the United States. However, it is not!
A large portion of the area where the Trump Wall would be built is mountainous. Another portion contains the enormous Rio Grande River. Needless to say, both areas are completely incapable of sustaining a wall OR successfully keeping anyone out. Since it’s impossible to build a wall across a body of water, anyone can simply boat or swim across that section of the border. Since it’s impossible to build a wall across a mountain, anyone can simply climb the mountain and cross into the US. Besides, even IF such feats of engineering were possible, the US would have to own the land it intended to erect thousands of miles of fences across. It does not!
For someone who is constantly complaining about “fake news,” Donald and his Trump Wall are about as fake as it comes.  The mere suggestion that if Americans simply hand Trump $21 billion dollars of taxpayer money, he can build “the best wall” (his words) along the US-Mexico border to keep all illegals out is not only fake news but completely impossible. If someone wanted to get into the US, they could simply go to the section of the border with water or a mountain, and avoid any wall altogether. Or, they could select any section of the wall and simply dig underneath it. Or, they could simply trump Trump’s $21 billion dollar Trump Wall by purchasing a $36 dollar ladder to climb over it!
The point is, Trump’s border wall was, is, and has always been a sham. It was a smokescreen to appeal to his “intelligence-challenged” supporters who either didn’t have the common sense or the desire to figure out how absolutely impossible it is to construct a seamless border wall that could magically keep everyone out — just because Trump said so.
Still, Donald Trump is hell-bent on spending billions on a wall that won’t do diddly-squat in preventing illegal immigration. Trump Wall or no Trump Wall, anyone who really wants to come into the US will still find a way to do so just as always!
Oh, and remember when Trump vowed that Mexico would pay for the wall (before he settled on America initially paying for the wall, then trying to get Mexico to reimburse him later)? Â Well, Mexico recently sent Donald an expletive-filled response from former President Vicente Fox Quesada, via Trump’s favorite social media tool of Twitter:
TRUMP, when will you understand that I am not paying for that fucken wall. Be clear with US tax payers. They will pay for it.
— Vicente Fox Quesada (@VicenteFoxQue) January 6, 2017
Thanks for pointing all this out DJ. Trumps wall is nothing but a sham. I can't wait for people to wake up and see Trump for the used car sale man he is.
The point is, Trump’s border wall was, is, and has always been a sham. […]
Yep. And just like the rest of Us have always known this – I believe that many, if not most, of Trump's “intelligence-challenged” supporters have always known it too.
I also believe that many, if not most of his supporters know he's a pathological liar, a con and full of isht on most issues. And they voted for him anyway primarily because he gives voice to the anger, rage, and frustrations they feel about a changing world….certainly a changing American. He affirms their grievances, exploits their FEARS, promises to make things all better and return America back to its *glory* days.
The wall is a "sham"……just like the Trump presidency is a sham. His supporters know it.
The whole world knows it.