Comments on: Trump Won’t Relinquish Power In Loss: Pelosi News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Sun, 12 May 2019 19:23:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Wed, 08 May 2019 13:19:53 +0000 In reply to Mr.BD.

“When we look back on all this in history future generations are going to wonder what the h*ll we were thinking to let this man in there.”

I agree BD. We’re going to be judged rather harshly but deservedly so….and WE didn’t even vote for the guy…smh!

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 08 May 2019 13:15:40 +0000 Was away yesterday on a business-trip so I’m just now getting to this……

“Speaker Pelosi said her feeling is that Democrats can’t afford to squeak out a slim victory in 2020. In fact, anything short of an overwhelming win will empower ‘The Donald’ to refuse to voluntarily vacate The White House.” -DJ

She’s right. Losing the presidency in 2020 would be more than that dangerous fool could bare. Not because he wants to serve out a 2nd term. He never actually wanted, or expected, to win his first term. But to lose on the GLOBAL stage, with the whole World watching his Defeat…added to his absolute Fear of being indicted once he leaves office!?!

Yeah….that IS the ultimate nightmare for Trump.

By: Mr.BD Tue, 07 May 2019 16:28:36 +0000 Ok I never thought about something like this before and it is a little scary. To be honest I can see all this happening for real and I see the signs it is already being laid out. Talk about being a joke to the world if the army had to go remove a president who would not leave. I know we joke about it on Ok wassup but Trump really does think he is a king or something and no rules apply to him. When we look back on all this in history future generations are going to wonder what the h*ll we were thinking to let this man in there.
