Trumpies Show Stupidity Over Stormy
Pornstar Stormy Daniels has taken to telling all about her adulterous tryst with Donald Trump. However, ‘Trumpies’ have foolishly convinced themselves that “The Donald” could do no wrong and are absolutely refusing to believe her story.
Current Events
In case you’re unfamiliar with the term ‘Trumpies,’ they are the blind-as-a-bat and dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks idiots who would follow Donald Trump off a cliff and would refuse to believe 2+2=4 even if their lives depended on it. They are the ones who continue to maintain Russia never interfered in the 2016 presidential election, despite the clear-cut evidence from ALL 17 US intelligence agencies. They believe Donald Trump is doing an amazing job, despite the fact he has failed to pass even a single piece of major legislation in his entire 14 months in office. They are also the ones who are quick to erase his multiple divorces and his multiple affairs with other women while married to someone else — all under the guise of “Christian forgiveness” (something they would NEVER do with anyone else who wasn’t white and didn’t [pretend to] subscribe to their conservative mantra).
Well, the Trumpies are at it again. Following Stormy Daniels’ national television interview on “60 Minutes” this past Sunday, a group of female Trumpies gathered for a sit down with CNN’s Randy Kaye to show the world just how gullible, nincompoop-ish, and easily deceived they could be.
Take a look at the video below and prepare to be amazed — for all the wrong reasons:
Kudos DJ, on calling OUT the “Trumpies.” Those hypocritical idiots are deserving of all the criticism and ridicule they get.
I differ with you on just one key description of that disgusting group. “Trumpies” are indeed “dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks idiots.” But check this…they’re NOT “blind-as-a-bat.” In fact they’re NOT blind at all. And when this whole friggin nightmare of a presidency is over WE should never let any of those IDIOTS get away with THAT excuse.
Here’s the deal. “Trumpies” can (and DO) see, and hear, exactly what the rest of Us see and hear. Don’t let their little *ACT* fool you. THEY know Trump is a pathological lying sack of sh*t. They know he’s a 2-bit sleazy CON man. That he’s a degenerate and despicable misogynist who views women as no more than sexual objects to be grabbed and groped and “played with” at HIS pleasure.
Simply put: THEY know Trump is Trash. Poor white trash with money (to be exact) but TRASH nonetheless. They know that Stormy Daniels, and others, are most likely telling the truth. But Trumpies just don’t give a d*mn. They couldn’t care less about any of it.
I’ll posit the following: For most White Trumpies, Trump is their middle-finger to America for supposedly “abandoning” them. Scapegoating is always better than taking personal responsibility for one’s OWN failures and/or character defects. They are driven by anger and hate. And don’t care if Trump’s burns down the entire country. They want revenge to assuage their petty grievances, FEARS, resentments.
“Trumpies” of Color are a whole other kind of madness, to me. Trump IS a racist (he has clearly revealed this about himself time and time again). Perhaps their support of him is rooted in some degree of INTERNALIZED racism. You got me!?! For now I’ll just call it Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome.
Re: the OBVIOUS double-standard of “Trumpies” on FULL display….
“Trumpies” know their support of such a vile creature shows a clear double-standard. They. Don’t. Care.
Forget the general campaign- imagine if Obama had shown 1/10th of the sick and corrupt behaviors of Trump DURING THE PRIMARIES. All H*LL would have broke loose! And the people who support Trump would have been among the FIRST calling for Obama’s head.
Now too be fair- they hate Hillary Clinton with equal, if not, greater ferocity so it’s not just a “racial” issue with those mucked-up people. It’s “race” AND “gender”…especially FEMALES in positions of Power. In fact, a female president is even more UNacceptable to them than a Black male president. Obama won the presidency twice. Many Trump supporters claimed they voted for Pres. Obama at least once.
But I repeat- Obama could have NEVER made it past the primaries if he had shown even 1/10th of the sick and corrupt behaviors of Trump. No. Way.
And on a related note……
GOP Rep. Charlie Dent Calls Out Evangelicals For Being ‘Pretty Damn Silent’ On Trump
A Republican lawmaker called out evangelical supporters of President Donald Trump who are turning a blind eye to the growing number of scandals coming out of the White House.
“I don’t know how many in the evangelical community can reconcile some of their positions at this moment,” Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Penn.) said Tuesday on CNN.
CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked Dent what he thought would happen if “the shoe were on the other foot” and President Barack Obama was embroiled in a scandal similar to Trump’s alleged affair with porn star Stormy Daniels.
“They’d be waving a bloody shirt,” Dent said. “It’d be a human rights violation had it been the shoe on the other foot.”
He also said that if a Democratic president had been conciliatory toward Russia “as Republicans, we’d be screaming from morning to night.” [….] -CNN
H/T: HuffPost
Wow. When I see this type of craziness it reminds of something in the Bible about how the Anti Christ will come along and a whole lot of people will be totally fooled by him. They will get sucked in but only a chosen few will be able to see the truth. That is what this feels like right now.