Comments on: Trump’s Enemies Hiding In The White House? News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 03 Dec 2018 08:11:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr.BD Wed, 28 Nov 2018 16:58:34 +0000 I think it is true a lot of people in the government don’t like Trump because he is always talking bad about somebody or some group. When they say people are working against him I think that is true too. But that’s because most of the things he tries to do is reckless and they are have to save him from himself. But they are writing this book to get money and to get Trump and all his fools to like them. They have an agenda for sure.

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 28 Nov 2018 14:03:19 +0000 A veritable bunch of shameless grifters versus grafters, from top to bottom beginning with king grifter himself, Trump whom one writer described as “an archetypal grifter.”

Whereas: A Grifter, is somebody who can influence anybody, anywhere, at anytime, into doing whatever they choose to have them do, that will result in the grifter’s personal gain. Usually monetary, but really anything that benefits him or her somehow. […] – Urban Dictionary

The grafter, by contrast, is a run-of-the-mill abuser of the public trust. He needs no audience and prefers not having one. Where the grifter is shameless, the grafter shrinks from exposure, which could only endanger the racket. He is greedy, but not creatively ambitious. He toils in mundane self-dealing, insider trading, bribe taking, witness tampering, and other forms of workaday corruption. Spiro Agnew was a grafter. William Jefferson, the Louisiana congressman who kept cash in the freezer in his apartment, was a grafter. […] – Slate

Suffice it to say, like Trump, these two clowns (Lewandowski and Bossie) are shameless grifters.
