TSA Agents ‘Disappear’ Amid Govt. Shutdown
If you have plans to travel domestically or internationally over the next few weeks, BEWARE! TSA Agents at major airports across the country have simply stopped showing up to work amidst the ongoing US government shutdown crisis.
Current Events
Last Friday, tens of thousands of TSA Agents and other government workers across the US did not receive their biweekly paycheck. So, instead of continuing to show up and work for free, many simply called in sick. Although understandable, the tactic has caused security delays of an hour or more at Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, Houston’s George Bush Intercontinental Airport, Miami International Airport, and Washington-Dulles International Airport, to name a few.
Recognizing the snowballing safety concerns, the Transportation Security Administration has started deploying reserve officers and supervisors in the hopes of making up for the staff shortages.
On Monday, nearly 8% of the available TSA Agents missed work with “unscheduled absences,” which is double the amount from last year, said TSA spokesman Michael Bilello. With the government shutdown now in its 4th week (the longest in US history) thanks to Donald Trump’s “Keep Out, Mexicans” border wall, the orange man in the Oval Office is becoming desperate.
On Tuesday, Trump demanded that all TSA Agents return to work immediately, since they are considered “essential” federal employees and are required to work without pay until a deal is reached to reopen the government. However, that makeshift decision did not sit well in the court of public opinion.
“It’s profoundly unfair and almost disrespectful to put us in the middle of this debate over border security when we have absolutely nothing to do with it,” TSA officer Mike Gayzagian said in response to the work mandate.
Trump also summoned all employees of the Internal Revenue Service to return to work without pay. No word on if the TSA Agents or IRS employees will actually return to work and if so, for how long.
Is the hardship, pain, and financial ruin this government shutdown continues to cause ordinary Americans really worth Trump’s Wall of Racism along the Mexican border? For a man who has convinced himself these workers want him to “keep going” until he gets his wall — the answer is sadly very clear!
“Is the hardship, pain, and financial ruin this government shutdown continues to cause ordinary Americans really worth Trump’s Wall of Racism along the Mexican border?” – DJ
Of course, we know the question is rhetorical -the answer being “No.”
And apparently at least one right-wing media nutjob responsible for *punking* Trump into ordering the shutdown is attempting to save her rotten-hide by trying to have it both ways:
Coulter: Trump ‘dead in the water’ if he caves on wall
Conservative commentator Ann Coulter in a new interview criticized President Trump for FAILING to NEGOTIATE an end to the ongoing partial government shutdown, but warned he’s “dead in the water” if he fails to build a wall along the southern border, Newsweek reported early Wednesday. […]- The Hill
Let me just add: I know this standoff is NOT a game. But Trump and the right-wing fools who play him like fiddle behave as if it is. So okay. Now some Trump voters are starting to speak up. admitting they are really beginning to feel the pain -especially in the South. If their number increases? Welp….GAME CHANGER!
Donald should’ve signed the deal that was right in front of him -the deal supported by both Dems and Repubs…but Naaaah! Mr. FAKE alpha allowed himself to get played by Rush and Coulter and other right-wing media carnival-barkers. So now he’s obviously trapped himself in a corner with no way out…..
…Except to “Cave.”
Trump is backed into a corner alright. He let these clowns on Fox News or wherever rile him up and back him into a corner he can’t get out of. They blow this same hot air on tv everyday but it’s just entertainment. But this is real life with him. I see no way he wins anything on this and I’m glad. All the fools that voted for hm should start feeling the pain. Maybe then their common sense will kick in and they will start to turn on him like dog eat dog.
“Trump Has Squandered the Opportunity His Populist Campaign Offered”
The border-wall tantrum and government shutdown show how Trump has squandered the opportunity that his populist campaign offered. If he had broadened his coalition — using the “art of the deal” he touts but doesn’t seem to understand — he would have presented a more formidable and lasting challenge to the Democratic Party.
But Trump’s insecure, all-or-nothing politics has prevented the compromises and horse-trading that might resolve festering problems and, forgive the phrase, make America great again. Instead, we have a paralyzed, dysfunctional government that even Trump enthusiasts must know is bad for our national health. Every additional day Trump sulks in the White House, his failure is more obvious. […] – David Ignatius at RCP
I don’t blame them, I would not work for free either. The fact Trump is holding these workers hostage to get his way on something that has nothing to do with them is mind blowing.