For the past several years, the Internet has been all abuzz about the Mayan Calendar’s prediction that a series of cataclysmic astronomical events would culminate with the end of the world on December 21, 2012. HELLO? DID WE ALL SUDDENLY FORGET THIS??
Nobody discusses this potential demise to humanity anymore, but end or no end, December 21st is fast approaching. However, before you pull out your old Y2K survival kits, please note that scientists have since debunked the theory, despite our fears — and that (horrible) movie “2012” from a few years ago.
Scientists explained that the Mayan Calendar never predicted Doomsday. Instead, they say the calendar’s first cycle merely “runs out” after 5,126 years. Since the calendar began in the year 3114 B.C. (according to our modern Gregorian calendar) and was calculated to continue for 5126 years, the “end date” will be — you guessed it — 2012 A.D. Further evaluation pinpoints the date as December 21st, or the day of the winter solstice for the Northern Hemisphere.
IF the world were about to end, what a bummer it would be to come only days before Christmas (since I was counting on an iPad). But what if the world actually WAS coming to an end on December 21st, leaving earth as barren as the other planets in the sky? With ancient predictions from Nostradamus and other prophets that freakish weather patterns, floods and hurricanes would preface the end of time, it’s not reassuring that unseasonably warm 77 degree temperatures, Hurricane Sandy, massive flooding, wildfires and an out-of-season snow blizzard just hit New York City — all within days of each other.
Hmmm…now pause and think about THAT!
Your right DJ everybody used to talk about this last year. Now nobody says a thing. That video makes you think even though I'm on the side of hoping this can't be true. Looks like we'll all find out in a few weeks.
Btw I see Ok Wassup is doing videos now. Nice job on it!