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Tucker Carlson, Fox News, And Republican Racism

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If you’re looking for television that encourages loathing and fear and the thought of turning back the clocks to the 1950s, look no further than Fox’s TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT.

Current Events :
Yes, Tucker Carlson — the once-legitimate journalist who made a name for himself debating the political news of the day on CNN while wearing sharp and fashionable bow ties has sold his soul to the devil. Or, to put it bluntly, Carlson has traded away fairness and honesty in journalism for the distinction of having the most racist television show in the history of cable news. 

Tucker Carlson

Everyone on the planet knows that Fox News is not “news” at all, but rather a propaganda arm of the Republican Party to disseminate fake news and false claims — all while stoking fear that some invisible “boogeyman” is out to get America and take away all the things we know and love. (CORRECTION: everyone on the planet knows this except actual Fox viewers — and even many of them know they’re being lied to but still tune in regularly).

At one time, Bill O’Reilly was once the “Lead Liar” on Fox, until he was ousted in 2017 once it became public that the network had paid multiple women hush money following several sexual harassment lawsuits. It was during O’Reilly’s darkest moments on the way out that Tucker Carlson saw his opportunity, seized the moment, and the rest is history!

Tucker Carlson

Initially, Carlson started out small. However, he quickly realized that creating a fever pitch and stoking America’s worst fears was in his best interest for success.

For example, during the nationwide outrage over George Floyd’s murder by a Minneapolis police officer, Tucker Carlson dismissed the hundreds of thousands of multi-ethnic protesters as “criminal mobs.” Almost immediately, companies like Angie’s List and Papa John’s dropped their ads from his show. However, the following month, “Tucker Carlson Tonight” became the highest-rated cable news show in history. And (again), the rest was history!

Now, the once-legitimate Carlson spends hours upon hours on Fox warning his predominately White, older, conservative viewers about whatever new “make-believe” emergency his writers can concoct.

In a damning exposé, The New York Times discussed the day Carlson crossed the line and the point of no return by warning America of “dirty immigrants” coming to overtake democracy:

Days earlier, Mr. Carlson had set off an uproar, claiming on air that mass immigration made America “poor and dirtier.” Blue-chip advertisers were fleeing. Within Fox, Mr. Carlson was widely viewed to have finally crossed some kind of line. Many wondered what price he might pay.

The answer became clear that night in December 2018: absolutely none.

When “Tucker Carlson Tonight” aired, Mr. Carlson doubled down, playing video of his earlier comments and citing a report from an Arizona government agency that said each illegal border crossing left up to 8 pounds of litter in the desert. Afterward, on the way to the Christmas party, Mr. Carlson spoke directly with [Fox News chairman] Mr. Murdoch, who praised his counterattack, according to a former Fox employee who told of the exchange.

“We’re good,” Mr. Carlson said, grinning triumphantly, as he walked into the restaurant.

Since then, Tucker Carlson has gone from the simple and straightforward journalist on CNN with the nice bow ties, to the conservative movement’s $420 million “it” boy. He has done so by regularly feeding his predominately White, racist, conservative viewers red meat lies that they are a civilization under siege — by violent Black Lives Matter marchers daring to protest against police brutality that targets them solely because of the color of their skin; by diseased migrants from south of the border entering “our” country in order to rape White women and children; by refugees importing “their” alien cultures while watering down the English language, Christianity, and “our” American way of life; and by liberal billionaires and cultural elites who will silence or label anyone who complains as a racist.

Too bad for America, but Tucker Carlson regularly has 3,414,000 viewers eating out of his hand. Or, to quote The New York Times: “At a moment when white backlash is the jet fuel of a Republican Party striving to return to power in Washington, he has become the pre-eminent champion of Americans who feel most threatened by the rising power of Black and brown citizens.”

“Modern liberals HATE Christianity — not because it’s repressive, but because THEY are!”

– Tucker Carlson

OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
Is Tucker Carlson the most racist show on TV?

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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New York Times:

Since the 2020 presidential election, Mr. Carlson has become the most visible and voluble defender of those who violently stormed the U.S. Capitol to keep Donald J. Trump in office, playing down the presence of white nationalists in the crowd and claiming the attack “barely rates as a footnote.” In February, as Western pundits and politicians lined up to condemn the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin, for his impending invasion of Ukraine, Mr. Carlson invited his viewers to shift focus back to the true enemy at home. “Why do I hate Putin so much? Has Putin ever called me a racist?” Mr. Carlson asked. “Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him?” He was roundly labeled an apologist and Putin cheerleader, only to press ahead with segments that parroted Russian talking points and promoted Kremlin propaganda about purported Ukrainian bioweapons labs.


Tucker Carlson never fooled me not for one minute. He was a smug, self-righteous piece of work back in the day when he was pretending to be a fair and ethical political news journalist on CNN. He tried to hide it but I saw right through his act.

Faux News gave him the freedom to be his true self. Eventually, with the passing of Rush Limbaugh, Tucker saw an opportunity to take his Reich-wing BS to a whole LOWER level to capture as much of Rush’s listening audience as he can.

The Tucker Carlson you see on Faux News is the Tucker Carlson he’s always been.

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

Expect more Reich-wing madness from Tucker and most of the other Faux News characters.

When Geraldo Rivera emerges as the voice of reason on your network, you know you’ve gone over the cliff.

It’s about rating$.

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

I am with you Truth. We knew who this clown in a bow tie was long time ago. He was not fooling nobody. All that happened is Fox gave him a way to be who he always was anyway. He did not make up the person is he today just for fame. He was always like this.


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