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It appears the Chinese have magically figured it all out.  No, they cannot turn water into wine.  But they can turn an iPod into an iPhone.

Introducing the “Apple Peel,” a brand new add on device for those who have dreamed of getting an iPhone, but just couldn’t afford it. The Apple Peel is a protective case equipped with a dock connector, battery and SIM card, that slips onto an iPod touch. It features 5 hours of talk time and 120 hours of standby use on its battery. Once connected, the Apple Peel will allow the iPod Touch to make phone calls and send text messages.

Earlier this month, solar tech company GoSolarUSA signed an agreement with the Apple Peel’s Chinese Developer, Yoison Technology, to develop the device, file a U.S. patent and distribute it in America. The first demo models of the Apple Peel arrived last week, but not so fast — Apple is going the legal route to try and prevent the Apple Peel from ever seeing the light of day in the U.S.A.  More later to see which side wins this technological tug-of-war.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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