
UberAir To Launch Flying Cars By 2020

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Thanks to UberAir, the flying car is closer than you think.

For years, we’ve watched the family in “The Jetsons” cartoon travel around via flying cars — and dreamed of the day when that technology would be available to us. Well, thanks to UberAir and a few other companies, that dream will become reality by as early as 2020.

In a partnership with NASA, the car-hailing company announced late last year the real development of Elevate by Uber. With actual flight testing to begin this year in such urban areas as Los Angeles, Dallas, and Dubai, Elevate will make the thought of being stuck in traffic a thing of the past.


In what will be more like a small helicopter rather than an actual flying “car,” Elevate will transport up to 4 passengers at a time from urban flight centers located throughout cities. Passengers will still need to take an Uber vehicle to and from a flight center, however, they will be quickly whisked above traffic in low-flying corridors for speed and safety.

The plan for launching in LA is to operate 20 strategically placed flight bases around the city, including LAX, Downtown, Sherman Oaks (in the San Fernando Valley) and Santa Monica. For Los Angeles residents used to spending an hour or more stuck on LA freeways, this should be a lifesaver.


The concept of Elevate is very similar to today’s helicopters: using helipads, flying via visual accuracy, and traveling low. However, the big difference is that UberAir will cost the same as Uber X at launch.

Will you give Uber Elevate a try? Check out the video below and learn more for yourself.




OK WASSUP! discusses technology news:
UberAir flying cars are coming this year!


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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