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UFO Coverup Claims Go Before Congress

- top military officials say aliens are real and we're not being told the truth

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What would you say or do if you found out that not only are UFOs real, but that the US government has been involved in an elaborate UFO coverup for decades?

Top News Today :
No, this isn’t the plot of a new episode of The Twilight Zone. These are actual charges brought before Congress last week by former top members of the US military and intelligence communities who have now become whistleblowers.

UFO Coverup

In a call for complete government transparency, former US Navy fighter pilot Ryan Graves, retired Navy Commander David Fravor, and former US intelligence official and retired Maj. David Grusch provided historic sworn testimony before Congress regarding possible aliens and alien spacecraft. Interestingly, these men are not random farmers or teens who saw “little green men” while under the influence. Instead, they are long-standing and respected members of the US military and intelligence communities with a hell of a story to tell.

In their sworn testimonies, the men declared that the US government is not only operating a secret “multi-decade” reverse engineering program of recovered vessels, but is also in possession of non-human “biologics” [read: bodies] from alleged crash sites as part of a massive UFO coverup.

During gripping testimony, Graves recalled encountering a flying object off the coast of Virginia Beach in 2014. 

UFO Coverup
Ryan Graves

While flying an F-18, Graves said he came upon an aircraft that looked like a “dark gray or black cube inside of a clear sphere” that he estimated to be 5 to 15 feet in diameter. According to Graves, the UAP — or Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena — could remain stationary despite hurricane-force winds and was unlike any aircraft he had ever seen. 

He told lawmakers that his squadron immediately submitted a safety report to superiors but never received official acknowledgment of the incident from the military. He added that UFO/UAP encounters in that region were “not rare or isolated.”

“If everyone could see the sensor and video data I witnessed, our national conversation would change,” Graves said. “I urge us to put aside stigma and address the security and safety issue this topic represents. If UAPs are foreign drones, it is an urgent national security problem. If it is something else, it is an issue for science. In either case, unidentified objects are a concern for flight safety. The American people deserve to know what is happening in our skies. It is long overdue.”

Cmdr. David Fravor testified about his own encounter with a UFO/UAP that was captured on video in 2004.

UFO Coverup
David Fravor

Fravor described feeling flabbergasted when he and 3 other service members saw a white “Tic Tac”-shaped flying object emerge over the San Diego coast in California.

“There were no rotors, no rotor wash, or any visible flight control surfaces like wings,” he said.

When he and the other pilots attempted to get closer to the mysterious craft, “it rapidly accelerated and disappeared right in front of our aircraft,” leaving no detectable turbulence.

“The technology that we faced was far superior than anything that we had,” Fravor said. “I’m not a UFO fanatic. But what we saw with 4 sets of eyes — we have nothing close to it. It was incredible technology.” He added that what he saw was well beyond the material science and capabilities “that we have currently or that we’re going to have in the next 10 to 20 years.” 

Retired Maj. David Grusch, who served for 14 years as an intelligence officer in the Air Force and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and was once a prominent member of the Pentagon’s UAP Task Force, provided shocking testimony.

UFO Coverup
David Grusch

“My testimony is based on information I have been given by individuals with a longstanding track record of legitimacy and service to this country — many of whom also shared compelling evidence in the form of photography, official documentation, and classified oral testimony,” Grusch said, adding that the trove of evidence has been intentionally kept secret from Congress.

Grusch added that as a former high-ranking intelligence officer, he is aware of a clandestine UFO coverup involving the US government, that a covert wing of the government has been in operation for decades and hiding their knowledge from Congress as well as former presidents, and that he could elaborate with proof and further information in a SCIF (a sensitive compartmented information facility) so as to protect national security concerns.

The words of the 3 top military brass officials amid the very thought of a possible UFO coverup brought audible gasps from spectators at the hearing.

A 22-year-old from New York City who asked to remain anonymous — “due to stigma that still persists around the subject” — said the stories “sound fantastical,” and given the credentials of all 3 witnesses, he is a believer.

“There was definitely a gasp and everyone was definitely a little bit shocked when Grusch was talking about non-human biologics,” the man said. He added there was a similar response when Grusch said he has received threats of personal retaliation if he ever told anyone of the information he knew.

UFO Coverup

Needless to say, members of Congress were floored by the testimony.

“American people largely believe the government has actively covered up the truth about UAPs,” Rep. Anna Luna (R-FL) said. “It is unacceptable to continue to gaslight Americans into thinking this is not happening.” 

“The sheer number of reports, whistleblowers, and stories of unidentified anomalous phenomena should raise real questions and warrant investigation and oversight. And that’s why we are here today,” said Democratic Rep. Robert Garcia of California. “UAPs, whatever they may be, may pose a serious threat to our military or civilian aircraft. And that must be understood. We should encourage more reporting, not less, on UAPs. The more we understand, the safer we will be.”

“We’re going to uncover the cover-up — and I hope this is just the beginning of many more hearings and many more people coming forward about this,” said Rep. Tim Burchett, a Republican from Tennessee.

“This committee has encountered instances before where either defense activity has not been forthright, whether that be from a contracting space or from the DoD space,” said Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York. “I do believe that there is a very large and looming question about what is being disclosed, what is being properly stewarded, and we have a responsibility across all subject matters to pursue that truth.”

In contrast, Defense Department spokeswoman Susan Gough issued a statement last week to downplay the testimony, saying the Pentagon’s inquiries had not turned up “any verifiable information to substantiate claims that any programs regarding the possession or reverse-engineering of extraterrestrial materials have existed in the past or exist currently.” 

Citizens of the world have grown up conditioned to believe that aliens are make-believe creatures of science fiction movies — and that someone who speaks of or believes in aliens they’ve never seen must be a lunatic (Interestingly, these are also the same people who believe in a God they’ve never seen).

This mentality is prime for anyone or for any government to attempt to stage a UFO coverup. But, the question remains: why would they do it?

If UFOs are real and the US government is indeed involved in a UFO coverup, perhaps their goal is to steal data for military superiority. Perhaps they want to protect the world’s religions from being destroyed over the knowledge of alien beings that existed long before humans and are far more advanced. Or, perhaps they hope to prevent mass hysteria if people were to ever discover humans are not rulers of the universe and that humanity could be wiped out in the blink of an eye.

Why would respected and decorated members of the US military testify under oath that the government is involved in an unprecedented alien coverup? Could it be that UFOs and aliens are truly real? Is it possible we’ve all been hoodwinked as part of the greatest UFO coverup in all of eternity?

OK WASSUP! discusses the Top News Today:
Has the US government staged a UFO coverup?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. What would you say or do if you found out that not only are UFOs real, but that the US government has been involved in an elaborate coverup for decades? […] – DJ

    At this point in time in my life – and frankly given ALL that WE’ve learned about the highly Secretive culture of Our government, going back decades – I would say you’re darn skippy the US government has been hiding this from Us!

  2. Regular readers may recall…in reponse to a related story DJ posted about quite some time ago, I shared that I used to be highly doubtful of alien life…until I had a conversation with my deeply religious mother about the subject.

    I was in my mid 20s and her response blew me away when she challenged my thinking by asking me:

    We say we believe in God..that He is Our Creator. And that He can do anything..right?

    Well if He created Us why couldn’t He have created other life on other planets in other universes?

    1. You got that right Truth. We say we believe in God but always dismiss any time somebody says something about spirits or aliens. That makes no kind of sense.

  3. Let’s just say that since that conversation with my mother (I miss her deeply) I believe in the very real possibility and probability of other life from other planets in other universes that are “alien” to Us.

  4. Time:

    Jimmy Carter waited four years before he at last went public with the news that he’d seen a UFO. It was in 1969, when Carter was a private citizen—between his service as a Georgia state senator and the governor of the state—that he saw a mysteriously luminous object hanging in the sky one night after attending a Lion’s Club meeting. Carter kept the sighting to himself, deciding only in 1973 to file his report with the International UFO Bureau in Oklahoma.

    The verdict? Nothing to see here. A little basic astronomical forensics revealed that what Carter saw on that date and at that spot in the sky was Venus—whose extreme luminosity has fooled no shortage of UFO believers before.

    Carter is not the only prominent public official who has shown an interest in what are now more decorously referred to as “unidentified aerial phenomena” (UAP). In 2016, then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, when asked in an interview about UAP, responded: “I don’t know. I want to see what the information shows. There’s enough stories out there that I don’t think everybody is just sitting in their kitchen making them up.”

    In 2021, former President Barack Obama responded to a similar question, saying, “There’s footage and records of objects in the skies…We can’t explain how they moved, their trajectory. And so, I think that people still take seriously trying to investigate and figure out what that is.”

    1. Hey Wil thanks for sharing this. I never heard this story before. But if a ex president and respected elder like Jimmy Carter can say he saw a ufo then why does anybody have a problem with it?

  5. The fact people with these type credentials put their career on the line to say this means a lot. They swore this was the truth and I have to admit it did sound like they were being honest. People always try to make a joke about aliens and pretend it cannot be true. But what if it is?

  6. If they have been hiding this from us all along DJ hit on some good points. They probably are trying to use technology for themselves plus they want to keep people from going crazy over it. I do think a lot of people would lose their mind if they found out there really is aliens. Some people would not be able to handle it.

    1. I forgot to say religion would be the main ones losing their mind. The bible and everything we were taught says humans were the first creation. But if they admit there are aliens long before us that whole story would be ruined. Everybody would have to believe something brand new and that would make some people lose it.

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