
UFO Problem? They’re Not ‘Balloons’

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Does the world have a UFO problem that the general public is either not being told about or is choosing to ignore? At least one former military man is saying YES!

Technology :
Over the past several months, strange objects have been seen floating across the United States and Canada. The US military immediately identified the objects as nothing more than Chinese spy balloons, shot them out of the sky, and the general public all but forgot about them. In fact, objects such as these have been seen around the world for decades now. Each time, they were announced as either weather or spy balloons and ignored.

UFO Problem

However, a former Navy pilot has taken to the reputable site POLITICO to warn the public to not be so naive and to suggest that the objects are not “balloons” at all but a legitimate UFO problem.

According to a recount from former Navy fighter pilot Ryan Graves:

“I joined the U.S. Navy in 2009 and underwent years of rigorous training as a pilot. Specifically, we are trained to be expert observers in identifying aircraft with our sensors and our own eyes. It’s our job to know what’s in our operating area. That’s why, in 2014, after upgrades were made to our radar system, our squadron made a startling discovery: There were unknown objects in our airspace.

UFO Problem
Lt. Ryan Graves

“Initially, the objects were showing up on our newly upgraded radars and we assumed they were ‘ghosts in the machine,’ or software glitches. But then we began to correlate the radar tracks with multiple surveillance systems, including infrared sensors that detected heat signatures. Then came the hair-raising near misses that required us to take evasive action.

“These were no mere balloons. The unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) accelerated at speeds up to Mach 1, the speed of sound. They could hold their position, appearing motionless, despite Category 4 hurricane-force winds of 120 knots. They did not have any visible means of lift, control surfaces or propulsion — in other words, nothing that resembled normal aircraft with wings, flaps or engines. And they outlasted our fighter jets, operating continuously throughout the day. I am a formally trained engineer, but the technology they demonstrated defied my understanding.”

Graves added: “As a US Navy fighter pilot, I witnessed unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP). Congress must reveal the truth to the American people.”

Lt. Graves is a 10-year Navy veteran with an impeccable record. He has told his story to The Hill, The New York Times, Fox News, and even the US Congress. He is convinced that these “objects” seen routinely flying over military bases while demonstrating inexplicable and cutting-edge technology are not mere “balloons.” After all, what balloon can hover in mid-air and then miraculously disappear at the speed of sound?

UFO Problem

So, if they’re not balloons, then what exactly are they?

Is Lt. Graves onto something? Are we being told the truth or being spared details of what’s really going on? Is it possible the world has a UFO problem that we’re not being told about or are prepared to deal with?

OK WASSUP! discusses Technology:
Does the world have a UFO problem?

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Another incredibly interesting, and timely, topic. Thank you DJ! In the past, I shared that (as a member of a very religious family) there was a time in my life that I didn’t believe in UFOs or the possibility of the existence of “Other” beings on other planets in Our universe or other universes. However, in my mid-to-late 20s, I happened to bring up the subject with my mom, a deeply religious -but NOT fanatic – woman. And my mom’s response blew me away! She summed up her belief beautifully. Paraphrasing: If we say we believe in God, and that we believe He created Us, why couldn’t He create other life-beings on other planets in other universes, if not in our own universe? That right there is all it took for me to Open my mind up to the real possibility and even probability of the existence of UFOs and… Read more »


You are on a roll this week DJ. This is a good topic because I just read something that was saying the did not find all the wrecks from what they shot down. They also had a private hearing in congress about it. This could be a spy balloon from China but it could be anything. I think we have not heard the whole truth yet.


This is also a true story: I have a very dear cousin who I share a close kinship with. We talk at least once nearly every day even if just for a few minutes. She’s married to a former Air Force Top Secret Clearance Survival Instructor, who served for 13 yrs.

When those strange objects began showing up, her husband immediately suggested that “They aren’t “balloons. They are UFOs.”

For awhile I wasn’t sure what to make of his suggestion. But I remember saying to myself: With the exception of the “Chinese” balloon, that our military shot down, IF our government comes up with the cockamamie story that Our miliary somehow CAN’T find Any remnants of the other 3 “balloons” they shot down…None?!

Then I’ll know they’re lying!

Last edited 1 year ago by Truthiz1

Now a UFO does not have to be something from outer space, it just means unidentified flying object. But I would bet my bottom dollar they are not telling us the real story about what is going on.


“Now a UFO does not have to be something from outer space, it just means unidentified flying object.” 

Okay. Good point.

For me, it means precisely that – something from beyond the planet (if not the universe) I know.

And no, I don’t believe they’re telling Us the truth!

Last edited 1 year ago by Truthiz1
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