Current Events

UFOs Are A Diversion Against Trump, Says QAnon

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UFOs have been in the news a lot lately.  However, at least one Donald Trump-loving group is warning others not to believe the hype and are claiming that ‘flying saucers’ are only meant to take away attention from Trump.

Current Events
The US Pentagon and NASA have been extremely forthright of late in making public various videos and information that they have regarding UFOs. Former President Barack Obama even spoke recently with late-night talk show host James Cordon about inexplicable footage of unidentified aerial phenomena, while former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) wrote an op-ed regarding his visit to the uber-secretive Area 51.  However, QAnon is not buying any of it and is telling its members (and anyone else who will listen) that the new UFO brouhaha is a bunch of malarky and a trick by the Deep State to use against Donald Trump.



Apparently, QAnon is under some misguided assumption that everything is either about or related to Donald Trump.  There’s simply no other logical explanation why they’d be presenting this new conspiracy theory that talk of UFOs is the government’s way of deflecting attention away from Trump’s ongoing charges of voter fraud.

“There’s no doubt that this mainstream UFO disclosure push is offering a convenient distraction for the Deep State to turn our attention away from important issues like the Scamdemic [COVID-19] and the election fraud getting exposed,” Jordan Sather, a QAnon conspiracy theorist tweeted last week.

Sather added that this newfound interest in UFOs is nothing more than the sinister hand of a global cabal at play.

Popular conservative media outlet InfoWars used to post articles about their belief in UFOs.  Now, staffer Greg Reese is claiming that the extraterrestrial revelations are nothing more than a deep state plot with the ultimate goal of faking an alien invasion to enslave humanity in “the most dire false flag imaginable.”

“We know the cabal has the will to do this, and it seems they have the means as well,” Reese said.

Emerald Robinson

Newsmax journalist Emerald Robinson also chimed in, tweeting that the UFO talk is nothing more than a diversion to draw attention away from the Republican-led recount of presidential election ballots in Arizona’s Maricopa County.

“They want you talking about aliens because they don’t want you talking about Maricopa,” Robinson said. “They want you talking about UFOs because they don’t want you talking about stagflation, the collapse of the dollar, the crisis on the border, and Biden’s mental health.”

So, what’s really going on here?

“QAnon promoters gain an audience by claiming that they have access to information that the mainstream media doesn’t,” said Travis View, co-host of the QAnon-tracking podcast QAnon ANONYMOUS. “When major outlets report on their pet topic, such as UFOs, it’s actually damaging to their brand because their audience has been trained to distrust everything that comes from the mainstream media.”


View could be right.  Or, perhaps there’s another explanation.

Maybe these QAnon fanatics are just crazed nut jobs who would be lost if they didn’t have someone like Donald Trump to whom they could devote their pathetic and lost lives.

Yeah, that sounds more like it.

OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
QAnon calls UFOS an anti-Trump diversion.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Maybe these QAnon fanatics are just crazed nut jobs who would be lost if they didn’t have someone like Donald Trump to whom they could devote their pathetic and lost lives. […] -DJ

    Yep. That’s it in a nutshell. 

  2. This is a smart idea. These white folk spend all week listening to Fox news and their friends telling them bs lies. The only place left to tell them the truth and they would listen is at church. I am glad to see some of these pastors doing the right thing because there’s a whole lot of people that are lost.

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