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Would you be in favor of giving free college tuition to undocumented immigrants?

That is exactly what Dominican University, a small Catholic college in suburban Chicago is doing and it’s causing a stir of controversy.

Donna Carroll

According to president Donna Carroll, the school pulled together $274,000 in financial aid for 17 undocumented students. Despite heavy pushback from some donors and alumni, Carroll says her only regret was that she couldn’t help more students.

“Is it controversial? Yes,” she says.  But “it’s against the law to discriminate against any student group. You need to start from that premise.”

The controversy stems from those who believe if a school has $274,000 in financial aid, perhaps it should offer those funds to a needy American student, instead of an undocumented immigrant.  Further, those in opposition call the financial aid a colossal waste of money, since these undocumented immigrants will be unable to legally hold a U.S. job once they graduate.  They would most likely have to accept a low paying job that pays under the table, or take their U.S. degree back to their country of origin. Opposers say either way, America loses.

What do you think?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. "Would you be in favor of giving free college tuition to undocumented immigrants?"No."Opposers say either way, America loses."I agree.

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