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Unhinged Putin Has No Way Out!

- Will Vladimir Putin drag the world into WW3?

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Russian President Vladimir ‘Unhinged’ Putin has been backed into a corner and has no way out of the Ukraine invasion mess. Regrettably, that is bad, bad news for the world.

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Once upon a time, Putin expected Donald Trump to pull out of NATO and force the US to go it alone. Thankfully, that move never materialized and NATO and much of the rest of the world have since united against Russia with powerful sanctions as punishment for the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.

Unhinged Putin

Apple, Mercedes-Benz, and Nike have all announced they will not do business in or with Russia. Visa, Mastercard, and American Express said they are suspending operations in Russia, only days after blocking transactions for Russian banks targeted by US and European sanctions. Russian oligarchs have lost access to homes, cars, and their cash in a move meant to put pressure on Putin to stop the madness (a move that has been working).

After being met with surprise force from the Ukrainian military and pushback from the world designed to isolate Russia, an unhinged Putin is discovering his options are dwindling and he’s being backed into a corner.

So, what’s left for Vladimir to do? He can continue with his invasion and face horrible wrath from his billionaire buddies in Russia as well as the rest of the world. Or, he can cancel the invasion and high-tail it back to Russia as a loser — a move that would devastate his humongous ego.

Instead, the unhinged Putin appears to be doubling down in a move that is either the biggest bluff in history or the beginning of the end with World War III.

Last Thursday, French President Emmanuel Macron held a 90-minute phone call with Putin in which all hopes to call off the war were quickly extinguished.

Unhinged Putin

According to The Daily Beast, Macron — who is one of the few world leaders still taking Putin’s calls — said after the call he is convinced “the worst is yet to come.”

Then on Saturday, after seizing Ukraine’s nuclear power plant (the largest in Europe), Putin threatened the world by announcing that Western sanctions against Russia would be considered a declaration of war that would lead to catastrophic consequences.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to recognize that Putin is boldly flaunting his nuclear arsenal and telling the world to either back off or watch a mushroom cloud destroy all of humanity.


As the unhinged Putin keeps the world teetering on the brink between life and death, the International Space Station is almost assuredly in its last days.

A large portion of the floating space module is owned by — you guessed it — Putin and Russia. As more sanctions and punishments begin to mount, NASA is already expecting Putin to pull the Russian-owned portion of the module out of space.

If he were to do so (as is highly expected), the ISS would not be able to function properly. Or, in other words, the astronauts currently floating miles about the earth would be forced to make an emergency trip back to their perspective countries and the space station would need to be destroyed.

Recently, Russia hinted that it may even remove its modules via sabotage. 

Dmitry Rogozin, who is head of the Russian space program, has begun posting pro-Moscow propaganda on his Twitter page and even went so far as to confirm the idea of sabotage via threats. 

This would mean that critical experiments currently underway, as well as a proposed trip to Mars using the space station as sort of an in route “rest stop” would all need to be scrapped.

This is not good.

“While the US is responsible for the power and life support to the station, the boosters that keep the station aloft are supplied by Russia via the Progress spacecraft that is docked at the space station.”

– Brandon Weeden, Secure World Foundation

Here’s one thing we know: with Russia ruining its world reputation by the day, the Ukraine invasion is causing a massive global rift that may be irreparable.

Now, here’s one thing we DON’T know: is Vladimir ‘Unhinged’ Putin just crazy and egotistical enough to push the button?

Unhinged Putin

OK WASSUP! discusses the Top News Today:
What will an unhinged Putin do next?

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Russian President Vladimir ‘Unhinged’ Putin has been backed into a corner and has no way out of the Ukraine invasion mess. Regrettably, that is bad, bad news for the world. […] -DJ

I would posit Putin backed himself into a corner but you’re absolutely right. Putin is indeed in “a corner” with no way out that will allow him to save face, in light of ALL of the H*ll he’s already unleased on the Ukrainian people. To say nothing of what he’s done to his own country!   

As you’ve expressed: It is “bad, bad news for the world.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

However, I must also admit that…….

Given that the invasion has gone so catastrophically bad for Putin (the Russian military has performed so poorly) that what was supposed to be a very short “operation to liberate Ukraine” has now turned into a long drawn out bloody nightmare for Putin…it has crossed my mind that Putin may be “bluffing” about his nuclear weapons capability(?)

But I am also very mindful that it only takes One nuclear bomb going off to literally set the whole world on fire!

So I will continue to pray for Ukraine and the entire world.


I am late getting to this today but it is an interesting topic. Putin did back himself in a corner and he has no way to save face now. But anybody who says he will not use nuclear bombs is not thinking clearly. Like Truth said all it takes is one to set everybody off. Heck it could even start by a mistake since everybody is on red alert right now. Putin thought this was going to be a cake walk but he was sorely mistaken. What a mess all this is.

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