Comments on: United Airlines Proves Why Travel Is Hell News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Thu, 20 Apr 2017 05:34:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Wed, 19 Apr 2017 15:31:58 +0000 The stories highlighted by DJ are horrific and he's right – traveling by air for far too many people has become an absolute nightmare.

I don't like flying so I seldom do. Honestly, I enjoy driving long distance as long as the trip takes no more than 12 hrs to get to my destination. If the trip would take longer …well then, and only then, do I consider flying instead.

As DJ's post clearly details, just one flight can turn into a totally disastrous experience. But the sad truth is, the last two paragraphs of his post captures the real dilemma for passengers.

For the past several years, airlines have turned air travel into a nightmare by nickel-and-diming its passengers, squeezing them into seats like sardines, and basically turning airline travel into a living hell. The thinking was that if passengers didn’t like it what were they going to do, take a bus?

Today, almost every airline has fallen prey to pocketing the biggest buck while providing the absolute worst travel experience possible. However, with United Airlines leading the pack, they could soon bite the biggest bullet. […]

Until passengers began to really raise H*ll to the airlines and to their political reps Nothing will change. Keep in mind the airlines OWN the politicians. Airline lobbyists write the regulations by which the Arline industry is governed by – much like all other corporate "special interest" groups.
