Comments on: Unity Message Falls Flat In Trump SOTU Address News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 11 Feb 2019 13:11:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wil Thu, 07 Feb 2019 01:03:00 +0000 CNN:
“If there is going to be peace and legislation, there cannot be war and investigation,” Trump said, to murmurs of disapproval from many Democrats in the House chamber.

The message was simple: If you like the current run of economic prosperity and (relative) peace in the world, then you had better end the special counsel investigation being run by Robert Mueller and stop before you start any congressional investigations. If you don’t, bad — if amorphous — things will happen to the country.

That threat didn’t hold for 12 hours. By Wednesday morning, House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff (California) announced he was launching a wide-ranging inquiry into Trump’s finances and whether financial considerations were driving decisions made by the administration.

The investigation will “allow us to investigate any credible allegation that financial interests or other interests are driving decision-making of the President or anyone in the administration,” explained Schiff.

Also on Wednesday, House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerry Nadler (New York) forewarned acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker that he would be expected to answer questions — and not simply cite executive privilege — in a hearing scheduled for this Friday. Nadler has gone so far as to issue a subpoena to compel Whitaker to testify in the event the acting AG chooses not to answer questions Friday.

By: Wil Wed, 06 Feb 2019 20:02:50 +0000 New Yorker:
In the State of the Union, Donald Trump called for unity while taking many partisan shots. How do you determine the success of a speech like Trump’s?

Even looking at the 80-minute-plus laundry list from Trump’s point of view, the speech seems to have failed at every level.

If Trump’s number-one political goal was to get his wall built, he didn’t advance the cause but signaled his surrender. His incessantly repeated pre-speech threat that he might declare a “national emergency” to circumvent Congress and get his way evaporated entirely last night. Why? He’s a paper tiger. He’d only been blustering about declaring an emergency in the first place to drum up phony suspense that might draw viewers to tune in. Even he has figured out that too many Republicans in Congress are openly opposed to that legally dubious power grab for him to try it now. Nor will the GOP happily sign on to another politically self-immolating government shutdown. So when Trump declared “I’ll get it built” last night, that can be translated to mean: “I have surrendered and will claim that whatever compromise Congress puts forth by the February 15 deadline means ‘I got my wall.’” Nancy Pelosi has won.

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 06 Feb 2019 18:45:31 +0000 (Updated side-topic) Now Mark Herring, the A.G. of Virginia, has admitted that he too donned blackface at a party he attended in 1980 while in college. This is a political nightmare for the Democratic party in VA (and nationally). They now have 3 scandalous fires burning in a key state!

Please note: If all 3 men resign then “House of Delegates Speaker Kirk Cox, a Republican, will assume the role {as Governor} per Article V, Section 16 of the Virginia Constitution.” – Gabriella Hoffman, writer at The Resurgent

Okay..back to the topic at hand…..

By: Mr.BD Wed, 06 Feb 2019 17:01:19 +0000 I did not watch this mess either. But I did follow the recaps today and it seems DJ is right. Trump started out pretending to be about unity then it went down hill from there. I am glad I got to see Stacy Abrams speech which was really good. I hear they are trying to get her to run for senate.

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 06 Feb 2019 16:14:00 +0000 Daniel Larison, TAC writer:
The theme of Trump’s speech was “choosing greatness,” but in his foreign policy statements he laid out a series of policies that will serve to bankrupt and discredit the U.S. […]

TAC Reader:
We seem to not only have perhaps the most overtly narcissistic president in history but also the most schizophrenic. No matter the wreckage, he claims everything he touches as beautiful.” […]
