Is the US power grid safe, or a ticking time bomb at risk of imminent danger?
Top News Today :
Regrettably, the US power grid is not only sitting open and almost entirely unmonitored for an enemy nation or rogue attacker to strike at will, but it’s about as safe as a picnic surrounded by a field of ant hills.

In case you were unaware, the Department of Homeland Security has identified energy as 1 of the 16 most critical infrastructures in the country simply because it supplies the ability to power every other essential infrastructure sector. However, they have also determined that America’s electric grid is insufficiently secure against both physical attacks and cyber intrusions.
According to cybersecurity expert Robert Ackerman, Jr.:
“When there is a disruption in the electrical grid, it’s often merely a matter of short-lived inconvenience. But what if the outage engulfed not just a confined area but a wide swath of the country, and the power went out for a week or more? Many aspects of life would freeze and the likelihood of potential casualties would skyrocket. Minor annoyances, such as the inability to recharge a cell phone or the lack of internet, would quickly yield to greater concerns such as having no water to drink, no household heat or air conditioning. In addition, there might be no gas for automobiles or generators, and both local and national emergency systems, such as the ability to call an ambulance might be inoperative as well.”
Let’s look into his words a bit deeper.

Imagine China, a foreign terror group, or even a domestic terrorist staging a concerted raid on the US power grid via synchronized attacks in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Instantaneously, the internet would go down — rendering credit cards and ATM cash withdrawals useless. With the internet down, no one would be able to communicate. Additionally, cell phone towers would be without power making it impossible to text or make phone calls. Police, Fire, and Ambulance assistance would be unreachable.
As Ackerman pointed out, air conditioning and heating systems would go dark. Imagine no air conditioning for a week or more while living in Las Vegas and their notoriously hot 110-degree summer — or no heat during a typical winter in Chicago at -10 below zero.
Further, automobile traffic would snarl into gridlock without the electricity to power traffic signals. Trains would be stuck in tunnels in complete darkness. Airplanes would be grounded or worse, flying in the air without the electronic ability to land safely. Hotels would be incapable of checking anyone into a room.

Food in household refrigerators and freezers would spoil. Stoves and microwaves would be unable to cook. Restaurants and grocery stores would be shuttered. Water filtration plants would cease to operate. Or, in other words, people would be unable to eat or find clean water to drink. Additionally, hospital generators would quickly run out of power, meaning emergency healthcare would become non-existent.
Attacks in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles would create a domino effect that would quickly trickle down to Atlanta, Miami, Houston, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, and other American cities.
In short, riots, burglary, gun violence, and total and complete anarchy based on the need to survive would ensue.
“If our power grid goes down, it really becomes nearly a zombie apocalypse,” geopolitical strategist David Tice said. He went on to add that the US power grid is so insanely vulnerable, that it’s only a matter of ‘when’ and not ‘if’ the United States will succumb to “hacking, targeted terrorist attacks, or the detonation of an electromagnetic pulse device [EMP], which would leave the nation in ‘extreme chaos.’

“If we truly have an outage that is nationwide, that lasts nine months, the United States Federal Energy Regulatory Commission estimates that as many as 90% of Americans would die…so it’s like 300 million people wiped off the map just like that” Tice added.
Think this is all science fiction and incapable of happening in the good ol’ USA? Think again!
According to USA Today, several shooting attacks on power substations in multiple states from the Pacific Northwest to the Southeast have already left thousands of Americans without electricity within previous years. And, if that wasn’t enough, investigators still don’t know who targeted the grids or why.
USA Today went on to call the attacks a “wake-up call” against the nation’s infrastructure.

Before a 2022 attack on a power station in North Carolina, the Department of Homeland Security issued a bulletin through its National Terrorism Advisory System warning that the “United States remains in a heightened threat environment” and that “lone offenders and small groups” may commit acts of violence on various targets, including critical infrastructure in the country. They added that extremists “adhering to a range of ideologies will likely continue to plot and encourage physical attacks against electrical infrastructure.”
With this information clearly well known to the authorities, why is the US power grid still open for any Tom, Dick, or Harry to walk in and wreak havoc???
OK WASSUP! discusses the Top News Today:
The US power grid is vulnerable to attack.
Well that video just scared the you know what out of me. I did not realize we had let ourselves be that open like that. Now I am wondering how do we fix it?
BD it is seriously insane! Just like allowing all kinds of haters and nutjobs unfettered access to all kinds of Guns (high powered and other-related weapons of mass destruction).
And good luck with hoping that the powers that be will actually give a d*mn about this impending disaster and DO something about it before it’s too late!
Armies and all that will not make a bit difference if somebody takes out our power. We depend on it so much we would be lost. Like the video was saying people would be looting trying to stay alive. This is some serious stuff.
With this information clearly well known to the authorities, why is the US power grid still open for any Tom, Dick, or Harry to walk in and wreak havoc??? […] – DJ
I meant to respond to this sooner but got busy and it slipped my mind until now.
It’s absolutely tragic and insane the way that WE (the U.S.) allow ourselves to be siting ducks for whatever Predictable catastrophe that may await Us!