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U.S. Reaches Deal on Syria

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President Obama Bashar Al-Assad

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Obama Averts War; Reaches Deal on Syria
On Saturday, the Obama administration averted war and reached a deal with Russia to force Syria into accounting for and destroying all of its chemical weapons, effectively ceasing their ability to further use such weapons against their own people in a continuing civil war.

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The deal was announced in Geneva by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and leaves open the possibility that the UN could authorize sanctions or military action against Syria in the future.

“We have committed to a standard that says, verify and verify,” Kerry said during a news conference with his Russian counterpart.

The deal includes a deadline for Syria to act, as well as specific actions they must comply with in order for it to remain valid. Kerry added that any violations will result in strict “measures” from the Security Council.

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President Obama Bashar Al-AssadLavrov called the agreement a “decision based on consensus and compromise and professionalism.”

“Any violations of procedures … would be looked at by the Security Council and if they are approved, the Security Council would take the required measures, concrete measures,” Lavrov said. “Nothing is said about the use of force or about any automatic sanctions. All violations should be approved by the Security Council.”

Although the deal will prevent any U.S. military strikes or acts of war against the middle eastern nation, it will also allow Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad to remain in power, which was not necessarily ideal to the Obama administration or certain members of congress.

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The last minute deal comes on the heels of a scathing article in the New York Times from Russian President Vladimir Putin, who ripped President Obama the U.S. for plans to bomb Syria.  GOP Sen. John McCain is currently planning a rebuttal article aimed at Putin.

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Follow today’s big story concerning the deal reached 
to avoid war with Syria


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Talk about looking like a bunch of hysterical fools….smh.

    As I shared last week, lots of people (haters, news babblers, bloggers and neoCons) Americans having their own highly suspect agendas were running around yelling "THE SKY IS FALLING" and predicting (yet again) the certain downfall of our President regarding this critical issue.

    That bunch really needs to go somewhere, Sit.Down. and SHUT.UP.

  2. …an ironic Quote for the day…..

    It’s been awesome to watch today as all the jerking knees quieted a little and all the instant judgments of the past month ceded to a deeper acknowledgment (even among Republicans) of what had actually been substantively achieved: something that, if it pans out, might be truly called a breakthrough – not just in terms of Syria, but also in terms of a better international system, and in terms of Iran.

    Obama has managed to insist on his red line on Syria’s chemical weapons, forcing the world to grapple with a new breach of international law, while also avoiding being dragged into Syria’s civil war. [….] A. Sullivan

    FYI: Sully is one of those hysterical voices who is now being "quieted" by "a deeper acknowledgment" that the President actually knows what the heck he's doing.

  3. The response should not be surprising, Truthizz. Many people look for any and every reason to blame President Obama for everything. After the crowning of the first Indian-American Miss America last night, I read a tweet calling her a Muslim, then connecting her to President Obama. Just pathetic. He handled the Syrian situation masterfully, however he'll never receive credit for doing so.

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