Comments on: VA Scandal Angers President News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:52:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sam Thu, 22 May 2014 02:12:36 +0000 Interesting observation though I do not think it holds weight. To play devils advocate, maybe the women gave up easier. Anyway it goes, it does not take back from the fact that people right now need to be held accounted for.

By: Laura Wed, 21 May 2014 19:40:09 +0000 Quick observation: It appears that the Obama Administration is quick to release (or ask for the resignation) of a female cabinet member/head or chair of a select board who is embroiled in a scandal but they give chance after chance to men who do the same thing. Enough with all the excuses for their behavior, consistency would be appreciated.

By: Mark Wed, 21 May 2014 15:15:45 +0000 When stories like this "break" we see a laundry list of politicians and talking heads who begin an all out war against everyone else but themselves. They make comments like, " I am mad as hell" even though I was aware of this issue for quite sometime. I think the outrage surrounds the fact that it got to a level where 40 known veterans were denied adequate care.

Anyway you slice it, this system is broken and failed many. Apologies are nice, being mad as hell is appropriate but action is what is needed and not press conferences.

By: Truthizz Wed, 21 May 2014 12:13:26 +0000 Dr. Sam Foote, a whistleblower in the VA case, said on "Fox News Sunday" that although Petzel's resignation was "a great first step," there is no way officials in Washington did not know of the issue. […..]

Exactly. And with all due respect, that includes the President.

To some degree, this ongoing problem with the VA's absolute failure to provide many, if not most, Veterans with quality and timely care has been reported on by the media FOR YEARS (prior to the Obama presidency).

But the problem obviously became worse since the Iraq war.
