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Vaccine Freedom Of Choice… Or Death?

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The choice many Americans are making to skip the COVID vaccine has come down to a profoundly important question: is vaccine freedom of choice more important than the risk of death?

Although the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines each offer an efficacy rate of about 95% in preventing severe disease, it’s important to note that the numbers are not perfect. They were never meant to be perfect. So, it should be clear that getting the coronavirus vaccine was never meant to prevent anyone from getting COVID. It was meant to protect most of us from getting deathly ill or dying. That is the fact!

Vaccine Freedom Of Choice

In the early days of the COVID crisis, people from across the globe were placed on ventilators and dying at an alarming rate. However, since the vaccines became widely available, deaths have tapered off and reduced COVID (in many cases) to the symptoms of a very bad cold. Even with breakthrough cases occurring among those who are fully vaccinated, they are now able to self-quarantine at home instead of being placed in a hospital-induced coma while on a ventilator.

Sadly, some Americans have misunderstood the importance and actual purpose of the vaccine and have erroneously assumed that the vaccine was created to prevent them from getting the coronavirus. NOT TRUE, nor was it ever true. So, some Americans have opted to skip the vaccine (and the upcoming booster shot) because they’ve discovered it’s not 100% foolproof in preventing them from getting the virus.

“Why get the vaccine if I can still get COVID?” the uninformed have pondered without considering the weight of their words.

vaccine freedom of choice

Other Americans are hanging their health on a political soapbox of freedom, declaring they have vaccine freedom of choice, they have rights, and nobody can tell them what to do. Regrettably, these are the Americans who are perpetuating the spread of the virus and preventing the rest of us from reaching herd immunity.

“It’s hard to watch the pandemic drag on as Americans refuse the vaccine in the name of freedom.” – Alexander Stockton, film producer

Here is the truth. The vaccine is doing what it was intended to do. It’s preventing us from becoming gravely ill like before and dying from the coronavirus in record numbers. However, some in the heartland of America are taking ignorance of the facts to their deathbeds and uttering with their last breath about vaccine freedom of choice and how the vaccines don’t work.  Or, in other words, they’re taking the slogan “Give me liberty or give me death” far too literally.

Vaccine Freedom Of Choice
A deceased COVID patient is removed in a body bag

Check out this heartwrenching video of how lack of knowledge is affecting a community in the Ozarks and spurring dozens of preventable COVID deaths.




OK WASSUP! discusses Health News:
Vaccine freedom of choice over death?

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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So, it should be clear that getting the coronavirus vaccine was never meant to prevent anyone from getting COVID. It was meant to protect most of us from getting deathly ill or dying. That is the fact! […]- DJ

Unfortunately DJ, in America THAT message was NOT made clear from the jump. 

And in a rush to convince as many Americans as possible to get the vaccine, THIS is exactly how the CDC and the Biden administration totally FAILED, in my opinion, to initially convey that clear message- they actually made things worse by initially suggesting that everyone who received the vaccine could now take OFF our mask and basically begin to go back to living life as usual. BIG mistake! 

And people like BD and myself knew it. We never stopped wearing a mask.

Last edited 3 years ago by Truthiz1

Hey Truth my friend. I would not call it a failure because the thing is science changes. It was right when they said vaccinated people could take their mask off if they wanted to because it was safe at that time. Then a variant came along and changed the rules. Nobody knows what changes will come up with a disease like this. All they can do is guess and make recommendations off the info they have. But they can recommend take the mask off all they want. I am still not doing it.


It was right when they said vaccinated people could take their mask off if they wanted to because it was safe at that time. […]

Sadly BD this is where I have to respectfully disagree with you my friend. It wasn’t safe then…..and it’s still not safe now.

And please check me if I’m wrong – like me, you never stopped wearing your mask.


My bad. The thing I am saying is “if they wanted to.” For me I did not want to because I did not feel safe enough. But some people did and some people were already doing it without the cdc saying anything. I think we are going to be like they are in Asia. They wear mask all the time permanently. We are about to be like them.


So now we’re seeing a growling number of people who were vaccinated but still end up becoming really ill and in some cases requiring inpatient care – my boss and his wife, for example.

He is recovering…albeit very slowly. But his wife is still in the fight of her life.

In the few words he was able to communicate to me a few days ago he faults their false sense of security in taking off their mask shortly AFTER being vaccinated, as the main culprit that led to the health crisis they find themselves battling for over 3 weeks now. He said he’s never gone through anything like this in his life!


I know somebody who got sick after getting the vaccine too. The good thing is they would probably be dead by now if they did not get the shot. Thank God the vaccine made them feel less sick than they would have and probably stopped them from dying. I hope your boss and his wife get through it and get well.


First: Thank you for the kind words regarding my boss.

Yes, the vaccine does offer a level of protection. That’s why I eventually gave in and got it in March of this year. But the vaccines never offered the level of protection that was strongly implied by Pfizer (and other biopharmaceutical companies) AND the CDC AND the Biden administration.

And then they strongly implied that people could safely take off their mask and get back to living life as usual. They gave people a False sense of security BD and millions of people took that and ran with it.

Last edited 3 years ago by Truthiz1

That video is one of the best messages to get the vaccine I have seen yet. Thanks for doing this DJ.


So here’s the deal………

A lot of people who are against getting the vaccine will never get the vaccine no matter what happens. It’s sad but true.

But a lot of people who have been vaccinated also feel as I do – ALL of Us would have been better served IF the Truth had been Clearly stated from the beginning.

To borrow from DJ:

The vaccine {is NOT} meant to prevent anyone from getting COVID. It’s meant to protect most of us from getting deathly ill or dying. And for the time being continue to wear your mask.  

Full Stop.

Last edited 3 years ago by Truthiz1
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