Comments on: VATICAN SEX SCANDAL News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:58:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truhiz Tue, 09 Mar 2010 12:24:01 +0000 And in other somewhat related news:"Pope Silent on Uganda's 'Kill-the-Gays' Bill"Politics Daily 3/8/10Pope Benedict XVI met with the Roman Catholic hierarchy of Uganda at the Vatican last Friday and delivered a speech summing up what he saw as the main tasks of the church in the East African nation — but made no mention of the draconian anti-homosexuality bill that has prompted an international outcry. The legislation pending in the Ugandan parliament provides for life imprisonment for homosexuals and even execution in some cases — hence its nickname, the "kill the gays" bill — and for jail terms for those who do not out those they believe to be homosexuals.The legislation pending in the Ugandan parliament provides for life imprisonment for homosexuals and even execution in some cases — hence its nickname, the "kill the gays" bill — and for jail terms for those who do not out those they believe to be homosexuals. The bill has not only sparked international protests, but also finger-pointing at conservative American Christians who have been seen as giving aid and comfort to Ugandan Christians and politicians who want to toughen Uganda's law criminalizing homosexuality. Full story:

By: Truthiz Tue, 09 Mar 2010 02:43:10 +0000 Okay, I'll step into the lion's den….But first I'd like to preface my comments by stating that I'm not Catholic and my thoughts on the matter are just my thoughts_I do NOT wish to offend anyone! The truth is, I believe ANY religion that seeks to "kill" the "natural" order of man's "nature" (priest must remain celibate and never marry) will find that edict violated time-and-time again by POSERS who never had the wherewithall to abide by such a law/proclamation in the first place. The Catholic Church appears to runneth over with pedophiles and homosexuals_and that's just a fact. It also appears that there has always been a number of high-ranking members of the Catholic Church who knows about these very problematic "issues" and opt to look the OTHER way and/or conspire to cover "it" up__UNTIL somebody gets caught!
