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Now that Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is no longer the “Golden Boy” of the GOP following his crash and burn rebuttal of President Obama’s Address to Congress, Republicans have been desperately seeking a savior from within.  Party Chairman Michael Steele has faced a virtual firing squad from his own party members for recent infractions and has even found it difficult to raise money for the party to function.  Well put down the T.V. remote and wake the kids, because it looks like the GOP has found the answer to all its woes:  SARAH PALIN.
It appears that with no real party leader, Republicans have been pulling at straws to find someone — ANYONE — to help lift them out of their hole.  And good ole’ Sarah “You-Betcha” Palin has been ready, willing, and eager to fill the void.  She’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but she’s been making appearances on behalf of the GOP and quietly putting out feelers for her own run for the White House in 2012.  So for all the Republicans out there giddy with excitement over Madam Palin and her possibilities for the party (is this really the best you could do?), here’s a bitter dose of reality and a sobering reminder of just who Sarah Palin REALLY is.  WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK:

While at a rally in the upper north eastern state of New Hampshire, the desperately in need of a geography lesson Palin spoke of how glad she was to be in the “Great NorthWEST” to scattered boo’s.


Watch Sarah squirm when she can’t name ONE Supreme Court Case she disagrees with in her discussion with Katie Couric.

And of course who could forget this classic Palin gem. Watch Sarah mangle a discussion with Katie Couric regarding the security of Israel:

UPDATE:  Public Policy Polling just conducted a survey which found that President Obama would crush Sarah Palin in a hypothetical, head-to-head presidential election for 2012, with Obama taking a 55-35 lead.  Polling suggests that such a contest would result in the largest popular vote blowout since George McGovern whipped Richard Nixon in 1972.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  2. Please tell me Republicans aren't betting the bank on Sarah Palin of all people. What a laughing stock!!

  3. It really is pathetic_hilarious_but also pathetic. At this point, it does appear that, with Jindal's very public FLAME-OUT, Sarah Palin is about the best they can do!?!Boy_THAT about says it all about the GOP today_smh. What an incredible mess they've made of their party. Oh well…."Stupid is as Stupid does."

  4. sarah palin's like the town idiot..just ignore her and hope she doesnt hurt anybody

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