
Voter Fraud Lie Doubled Down By Trump

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Donald Trump claims voter fraud

Politics –
Voter Fraud Lie
Doubled Down By Trump

Donald “Trumple Thin-Skin” Trump is so concerned about reports that he won The White House without winning the popular vote, that he has taken to repeating a ridiculous claim from his campaign: the election was plagued with voter fraud!

Instead of spending time trying to run the country, Trump spent his first full day in office huddled in a private meeting with congressional leaders to discuss his odd belief that nearly 5 million unauthorized immigrants voted for Hillary Clinton and therefore, robbed him of a sure victory in the popular vote.


As usual, Trump has absolutely zero evidence to support his claim, which has been discredited time and again by numerous fact-checking experts. However, that has not stopped him from repeating the false info he hopes the American public will somehow buy into.

In an attempt to give credibility to his claim, “Trumple Thin-Skin” even sent White House spokesman Sean Spicer in front of the press to double-down on charges of voter fraud.

“The President does believe that, I think he’s stated that before, and stated his concern of voter fraud and people voting illegally during the campaign and continues to maintain that belief based on studies and evidence people have brought to him,” Spicer said Tuesday during a briefing with reporters.

When pressed to present proof of the outlandish claim, Spicer awkwardly offered 2 different studies that Donald Trump himself believes in.

“There’s one that came out of Pew in 2008 that showed 14 percent of people who voted were noncitizens,” Spicer said. “There’s other studies that have been presented to him.”

Sadly, neither study Spicer presented supports any of Trump’s charges.

According to The New York Times, the first study was conducted in 2014 by professors at Old Dominion University and found that 14% of noncitizens who responded to the survey in 2008 and 2010 said they were registered to vote. The second study, conducted in 2012 by the Pew Center on the States, found that 24 million voter registrations were no longer valid or “significantly inaccurate” because voters had moved from one state to another.


Trump’s obsession to convince everyone that voter fraud is the only barrier that prevented him from carrying the popular vote, comes only 2 days after his obsession to convince everyone that his inauguration had the highest attendance in history.  However, these obsessions point to a much bigger problem: Donald Trump has a deep difficulty with anyone challenging his legitimacy and his greatness, or any suggestion that he is unable to pull off a complete and total victory in any area of his life. Therefore, his refusal to accept that he lost the popular vote fair and square (despite winning the electoral college) is eating him alive and preventing him from doing much else.

VOTER FRAUDA number of academic and governmental studies have found no evidence of voter fraud to back up what would be the most sensational election story in American history.

Trump’s frequent obsession with polls, boasts about his wealth, lavish praise for his buildings and businesses reveals an unusually self-absorbed man who has been regularly surrounded with people who will tell him exactly what he wants to hear — even if it’s not true.

However, now that he’s in The White House, all the rules have changed and all bets are off.

“This is the first time in his life that he has to play by rules that other people establish … (but) he doesn’t see any difference between salesmanship and being a president,” said Michael D’Antonio, author of the book “The Truth About Trump.”

As proof of poor attendance numbers at his inauguration combined with proof that Trump himself (and not voter fraud) lost the popular vote, ol’ “Trumple Thin-Skin” has found fewer people willing to bolster his version of the truth. He has even found little backing from his Republican cohorts on Capitol Hill.

VOTER FRAUD“I’ve seen no evidence to that effect,” House Speaker Paul D. Ryan told reporters on Monday when asked about the alleged voter fraud.

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina went a step further and urged Trump to “knock this off.”

“This is going to erode his ability to govern this country if he does not stop it,” Graham said, adding that Trump needs to present evidence for his beliefs if he intends to continue professing them.

“If the President of the United States is claiming that 3.5 million people voted illegally, that shakes confidence in our democracy — he needs to disclose why he believes that,” Graham added.

Republican Rep. Will Hurd of Texas also joined in the chorus, saying he saw no evidence of widespread voter fraud.

“I would suggest the White House looks in their windshield and not the rearview mirror. They did something that nobody thought they could do. They should be proud (of) that and not let this be a distraction,” Hurd said.

Perhaps it’s time someone told Trump that instead of concerning himself with saving face and proving a point, he might be better off just serving the American people and being POTUS.



OK WASSUP! discusses politics:
Trump continues to claim voter fraud.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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And now, as of this morning, looks like things are about to get worse for Repups/ Trump voters who wish Trump would simply shut up about this bogus matter and get on with governing. Just read THIS a few minutes ago: BREAKING: "Trump calls for 'major investigation' into alleged voter fraud" President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he will call for a “major investigation” into voter fraud, which he believes led to millions of illegally cast ballots in last year’s presidential election despite no evidence to support that conclusion. “I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal and even, those registered to vote who are dead (and many for a long time). Depending on results, we will strengthen up voting procedures!” Trump wrote on Twitter Wednesday morning, breaking his message up into multiple posts. The… Read more »


WashPost Reader:
Don't let anyone downplay this.

If he lacks basic reasoning skills and believe something like this without facts or evidence and then act on it…….

What other things is he going to do? […]

Mr. BD

Truth I really think you are onto something. This man is just crazy and I'm being real serious. Like the guy from CNN said in the video if five million people did vote as fraud that would affect hundreds of elections. Maybe Trump really didn't win after all. Anyway the man is mental for real. I can see him getting impeached soon.


BD, now I too am beginning to think he may end up being impeached. And who knows? Maybe that's just what he's hoping for(?) The man does NOT want the job of being President of the United States no matter how much he pretends he does. .But his narcissistic personality and other related psychopathologies won't let him simply step down and walk away.

"Spicer says voter fraud probe will not just be focused on 2016"

“Just to be clear, not just in 2016,” Spicer told reporters. “I think in terms of registration, where you’ve got folks on rolls that have been deceased or moved or registered in two counties. This isn’t just about the 2016 election. This is about the integrity of our voting system.”

H/T: Politico

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