
Voter Registration Deadline Approaching

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National voter registration deadlines are approaching.
National voter registration deadlines are approaching.

Politics –
Voter Registration
Deadline Approaching

Did you register to vote? Have you been planning to register but just haven’t gotten around to it yet? Have you moved to a new district, city, or state? Has your voter registration expired due to non-activity? If so, this information is for YOU!

Sadly, many Americans are frequently complacent about politics, about voting, and about the necessity to register to vote. Granted, the actions (or lack thereof) of some politicians have caused a massive lack of interest. However, the stakes in this upcoming election are simply too urgent and critical to ignore.

voter-registration-deadlineDonald J. Trump is ONE election from becoming President of the United States.  Just let that sink in for a moment.  Yes, the Reality TV star with ZERO political experience or knowledge could become the leader of the free world on November 8th. This is the man who could hold your fate in his very (small) hands.  If elected, he could send YOUR family members into war with the stroke of a pen, or get pissed off enough to launch a nuclear war and eliminate all human life through his control of the nuclear codes. Should a Reality TV star in the same category as a Snooki or Kim Kardashian be given this much power and control over our very existence??

This election is TOO IMPORTANT for you or for anyone to sit out. That’s why it’s important for you to register to vote NOW (if you’re not already registered), since the deadline to do so is approaching in most states.

Some states require any interested citizens to be registered at least 14 days prior to an election.  Other states insist on a 30-day deadline for registration. So again, if you’re not registered to vote, the time to stop procrastinating is NOW.

Click HERE to find out the actual deadline for you to register to vote in your state.  Then do your duty as a U.S. citizen and go to the polls on November 8th to make your voice heard. EVERY. VOTE. COUNTS!






OK WASSUP! discusses politics, including
upcoming voter registration deadlines.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Donald J. Trump is ONE election from becoming President of the United States. Just let that sink in for a moment. [….]

Hear! Hear!

And thanks for the entire post DJ.



…..on a related note……. Salon Reader: Has any divide this extreme happened in American politics since the 1970s? I was born in 1980, and so I don't have an incredibly long experience with American politics, but I can't think of any other time since Nixon and/or the Vietnam War when the country was so divided. I can't believe what I'm seeing. It's horrifying and astounding. I remember during Bush Vs. Clinton Vs. Perot watching some news commentary in which (I think) Dan Rather expressed surprise at how vicious some of the rhetoric was. How vicious? I think one of the candidates used the word "bozo" to describe his rival candidates. But now…oh my god. What the hell has happened? A celebrity clown huckster has tapped into, and revealed (maybe we owe him a debt of gratitude for exposing the truth) the shameful and astounding stupidity, anger, racism, bigotry, and overall… Read more »

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