Current Events

War On Christmas (magically) Over?

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In case you were wondering, the war on Christmas is officially over.  At least that’s what Donald Trump and his drunk-with-stupid followers believe!

Current Events
Yes, according to “The Donald,” the war on Christmas has been won and everyone fighting against it has since surrendered to him.  Except, there’s only 1 problem: there was never any such war.  The so-called war on Christmas was all a make-believe fantasy concocted in the minds of conservative religious zealots who watch Fox News and imagine that anything inclusive must be exclusive.

War On Christmas

For decades, Americans said “Merry Christmas” during the December holiday season — that is until they wizened up and realized the popular slogan for the Christian holiday inadvertently excluded their Jewish and Muslim friends.  So, Americans decided to join the rest of the world and become inclusive by simply saying “Happy Holidays” as a way to honor all holidays of all faiths.  Except, this politically correct practice angered Christian religious zealots who somehow convinced themselves that INcluding others in a holiday wish somehow EXcluded them.  IGNORANT!

Thus, the pretend war on Christmas began.

Soon after, Fox News watchers were conditioned to believe that anyone who didn’t follow “tradition” and say Merry Christmas was somehow engaging in a war on Christmas — a war that Christians everywhere should fight with every ounce of their being.

They ate it up like a bowl of ice cream on a hot summer day!

Then, their Christian “savior” rode in on a great white horse and saved them… and Christmas.  Donald Trump was elected and immediately pledged to keep his campaign promise from 2015, vowing “If I become president, we’re going to be saying Merry Christmas at every store.”  Yeah, right.

Christians everywhere jumped for joy!  Yippee!!  Christmas was saved and the war on Christmas was over!

Except, there’s only 1 problem:  although Donald Trump himself appeared on TV once or twice to say “Merry Christmas,” his personal choices have had ZERO impact on what anyone else has chosen to do or say.  In other words, just because Trump decided to say Merry Christmas doesn’t mean we were all mandated to follow suit and say it too.  Donald Trump is not the boss of anyone.  This is not North Korea and, as Americans, we are free to say and do as we please.  Those who choose to say “Merry Christmas” will say it, just like those who choose to say “Happy Holidays.”

War On Christmas

Current Events
So, let’s recap:

  • For years, Fox News spent hours of airtime concocting a pretend “war on Christmas.”
  • For years, stupid easily persuaded viewers bought into the notion of a so-called war.
  • Donald Trump got elected, then appeared on TV twice to say “Merry Christmas.”
  • Magically, the “war on Christmas” has been won and is now over!


“We’re saying ‘Merry Christmas’ again,” Trump boasted on national TV last week.  Um, no, Donald, YOU’RE saying “Merry Christmas” again.  We’re all still saying and doing what’s most comfortable to US.

Too bad your followers are too drunk-with-stupid to know better!




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OK WASSUP! covers current events:
Is the war on Christmas officially over?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. Trump and Fox and that whole group is crazy. They made up this war just to rile people up like they do with everything else. Create a pretend enemy then get people on your side to believe what you are saying. It’s a old trick.

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