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WARNING: SmartPhone Privacy Risk

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Latest Technology In Computers –
SmartPhones = Smart Hacking!

If you use a smartphone (iPhone, Android, Galaxy, etc.) or even a tablet (iPad, VivoTab Smart, etc.) to take photos and post them online, then you must pay close attention to this warning.

Latest Technology in Computers
Technology allows for photos to be GeoTagged, meaning if you take a picture at the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the photo will automatically note your location and time it was taken, then conveniently file it in a category based on your specific location.  Harmless, right?  WRONG!

news gadgets latest technology computers cell phonesHackers have learned how to tap into this information and use it to their advantage.  So, if you use your smart device to take photos of your child at home, at school, at the park, etc. for posting online, hackers can now trace down the exact location and know where your child lives, where they go to school, even the EXACT location of where they usually play in the park. Further, if you are taking photos at the Eiffel Tower in Paris and posting them online, hackers can also see the date, time and location of your photos, then know you’re not home — allowing them free access into your home to rob you blind!

Latest Technology in Computers
The technology was meant to be harmless yet helpful to the photographer.  However, with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg believing that privacy is unnecessary, posting GeoTagged photographs to your Facebook page or other online site could end up being your worst nightmare.

HERE’S THE FIX:  Go into your device’s settings, tap the Privacy and/or Location button, then simply turn off “Camera” so that your device no longer allows the Camera to know your precise location when snapping photos.

Watch the video below for more info and pass this information along to everyone you know, so that they may be protected too!

Learn all the news about the latest technology in computers. 
In this article, how to avoid protect your SmartPhone!


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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