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Was Hugo Chavez Murdered?

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Before Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez died of cancer 2 weeks ago, he presented the theory that his fatal disease was caused by enemy nations that wanted him dead and out of the way. Is this possible?

Venezuelan officials are taking Chavez’s claim seriously and will set up a formal inquiry into the possibility that Chavez may have been poisoned.

Skeptics of the Venezuelan government view the claims as a typical Chavez conspiracy theory intended to feed fears of “imperialist” threats to Venezuela’s socialist system and distract people from daily problems.  But acting President Nicolas Maduro is taking the matter very seriously and has vowed to open an investigation into the claims.  He has even invited foreign scientists to join a state committee to probe the accusation.

“We will seek the truth,” Maduro said. “We have the intuition that our commander Chavez was poisoned by dark forces that wanted him out of the way.”

Ironically, supporters of deceased Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat also claimed that his death was the cause of outside factions that wanted him dead.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. I don't know if he was murdered but I wouldn't doubt it. He ran his mouth a lot and made a lot of enemies. Especially with the U.S. There's ways to take somebody out. It probably did happen with Arafat and also with Chavez now.

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