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So the Sonia Sotomayor hearings are now over.  But the question still remains:  Was all the grandstanding worth it?

Republicans put on a virtual three ring circus, pulling out all the stops in hopes of tripping the seasoned Sotomayor into a verbal trap.  At some points their methods were a lesson in comedy and tragedy, with some Senators asking the same questions over and over again simply because that was their marching orders and they had no Plan B.  But come on, I mean honestly — was all this really necessary?  Just in case someone hasn’t been paying attention, Democrats have a filibuster squelching 60 seat majority in the Senate.  Add to that the fact that Judge Sotomayor has appeared on Capitol Hill TWICE before for other judicial positions, with a perfect record of confirmation each time.  And if that wasn’t enough, the woman is unbelievably qualified to sit on the nation’s highest court.  Oh yeah, and did I mention her confirmation would make history with her being the first hispanic to ever reach the Supreme bench?  (This is the place where NBA Great Michael Jordan would insert a “SLAM DUNK”).
OKWASSUP!  The White House, hands down, drew a triple 7 with this appointment.  Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination was always a 500 MPH runaway train that Republicans never had a hope or a prayer to stop.  So why the showboating?  Why all the grandstanding?  Do Republicans somehow feel vindicated now for at least having a voice at the table, or are they as exhausted as we are from all the (unnecessary) political posing and posturing? Now that this Theatre of the Absurd has played its last performance, I can’t wait to see the final tally, Democrat AND Republican, that sends this Latina to her judicial promised land.  But boy am I glad this play and all its bad acting is finally over!
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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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You took the words right out of my mouth! lol


DJ:“was all of the grandstanding worth it?” Nope. Not at all_lol. Even CNN had to admit that their ratings fell as most Americans, like Me, opted to simply SKIP the hearings altogether. No doubt about it. Last week the repubs demonstrated yet again why that party is on life support. No credible leadership.BTW: I plan to watch the vote and the swearing-in ceremony.

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