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If you’re a Republican presidential candidate and you have to address a New Hampshire group, what’s your best preparation for a flawless presentation?  Show up drunk and/or high!

That appears to be the road Texas Gov. Rick Perry took, as video of his recent speech makes it very difficult to see him as anything but totally inebriated. And isn’t that just what the Christian conservative right wing Republicans have been looking for in a candidate??

Take a look at the video and see for yourself.  Is this man drunk, high, or just plain ole’ loopy??  Or better question:  should the man in this video be a serious contender for President of the United States???

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Hahaha this dude is drunk no doubt!!


Cosign with BD. Just as I said in my post yesterday, the man looks drunk to me.Btw: Apparently somebody over at MSNBC finally got a little clue. Obsessing over Cain's mishandling of a story regarding 12 y/o sexual harrassment allegations and settlement _for a 2nd day, ALL day_might NOT be a smart business decision. Mayhaps they should cover this latest Perry "incident" too just a little. I'll tell you…honestly I don't know which has become the bigger joke these days? The American political media? Or the GOP?


If THIS is true(?)……The "Perry wasn't drunk at speech says host"Presidential candidate Rick Perry was stone-cold sober during his bombastic, comedic speech in New Hampshire, according to the man who invited the Texas governor to speak and spent much of the evening with him."I can tell you unequivocally he wasn’t drinking at the event and he hadn’t been drinking prior to the event," said Kevin Smith, the executive director of Cornerstone Action, the conservative group that hosted the event over the weekend. "I was sitting with him, and I found him to be very engaging with all of the people he was talking with, he was very articulate." […]Full story:………then Perry is even more UNFIT for the job of President of the United States then I had previously thought…and i considered him to be TOTALLY unfit prior to this speech.   

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