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WATCH: Alex Jones Attack Piers Morgan On CNN

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Talk show host Alex Jones made a fool of himself on international TV, as he battled CNN talk show host Piers Morgan for his stance on gun control in America.

Alex Jones is behind a 100,000 signature petition to get Piers Morgan deported back to the UK, which has been submitted to the White House for serious consideration.  The signatures have all come from a variety of gun owners throughout America who despise Morgan for using his talk show to bring attention to increasing gun violence, following shootings in Aurora, CO and Sandy Hook.

At the top of the wild segment, Morgan asked Jones why he wanted him deported — and that’s when all hell broke loose. Jones went on a verbal tirade, dominating the conversation by yelling and appearing like a screaming maniac, as Morgan remained cool, calm and collected.

Morgan questioned the need for Americans to own assault type weapons as a means for hunting and protection, but Jones answered by saying Americans need to be prepared for a brewing battle against a rogue government uprising.  Hmmm…

Watch the interview and tell us what you think.  It’s long, but well worth it!


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. I watched this video last night and I concur with Morgan:

    "He was the best advertisement for gun control you could wish for," Morgan told POLITICO.

    "That kind of vitriol, hatred, and zealotry is really quite scary. I didn't feel threatened by him, but I'm concerned that someone like him has that level of influence," Morgan said. "There's got to be a level of discourse that can rise above what happened last night. It was undignified, unedifying."


  2. …and on a related note….

    As for whether he finds sports or politics more frustrating to analyze, Silver said politics — “I don’t think it’s close.”

    “Between the pundits and the partisans, you're dealing with a lot of very delusional people. And sports provides for much more frequent reality checks,” he wrote. “If you were touting how awesome Notre Dame was, for example, you got very much slapped back into reality last night. In politics, you can go on being delusional for years at a time.”

    Nate Silver: Between pundits and partisans, 'a lot of very delusional people' in politics

  3. This guy is a tool. I tried to watch the video but he became too much. If anything, he made himself look like a fool and probably made more people think gun control is a good idea.

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