
Water – Gate Quenches Trump’s Thirst

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Donald Trump has launched a new ‘Water’ Gate.  No, not the Richard Nixon style criminal act, but one that actually involves real H2O.

While delivering a speech on Wednesday about his recent trip to Asia, apparently “The Donald’s’ mouth became a bit parched.  So, Trump did what almost anyone else would do in that circumstance and reached for a bottle of water mid-sentence.  Why is this a big deal, you ask?  Read on…

During the 2016 presidential primary, Trump never missed a moment to make fun of “Little Marco Rubio” and his awkward sip during a Republican rebuttal to President Obama’s State of the Union Address a few years ago.

Sen. Marco Rubio

“ ‘I need water. Help me. I need water. Help,’ ” Trump said in 2016 as he mocked an impression of Rubio. “This is on live television. This total choke artist. …” Trump added.

However, the shoe was on the other foot this time as Trump found himself on the receiving end of dying for a drink — and Marco Rubio found himself with the last laugh.

“Similar, but needs work on his form,” Rubio tweeted against Trump’s equally as awkward sip of water on live television. “Has to be done in one single motion & eyes should never leave the camera. But not bad for his 1st time.”

Check and Mate.  Needless to say, karma remains undefeated!



OK WASSUP! discusses politics:
Trump water sip on live TV lampooned.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. Politico Reader:
    “Trump’s a nutbag, Bannon is an anarchist and Moore is a pervert. Welcome to the new Republican Party.”

    The Hill Reader:
    “{Trump} always finds news ways to make himself look Stupid.”

    Yes indeed, at least in that regard Trump IS consistent.

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