
Weather Channel Spanks Breitbart On Climate Change

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The Weather Channel
The Weather Channel vs. Breitbart News

Entertainment –
Weather Channel Spanks
Breitbart On Climate Change

The Weather Channel is frequently known for a bevy of sleepy hosts broadcasting the current temperature while discussing technical aspects of weather patterns.  However, all that changed earlier this week when the weather station called out Breitbart News for being skeptical when it comes to climate change.

The traditionally staid Weather Channel did not mince words when it published an article on Tuesday afternoon entitled: “Note to Breitbart: Earth Is Not Cooling, Climate Change Is Real and Please Stop Using Our Video to Mislead Americans.”

Their attack against Breitbart stemmed from a report the news site published last week, with the headline: “Global Temperatures Plunge. Icy Silence from Climate Alarmists.” The story also included an embedded Weather Channel video.

“Global warming is not expected to end anytime soon, despite what Breitbart.com wrote in an article published last week,” the Weather Channel said. “Though we would prefer to focus on our usual coverage of weather and climate science, in this case we felt it important to add our two cents — especially because a video clip from weather.com (La Niña in Pacific Affects Weather in New England) was prominently featured at the top of the Breitbart article.”

The Weather Channel

The Weather Channel went on to slam the Breitbart report as “a prime example of cherry picking, or pulling a single item out of context to build a misleading case,” highlighting the following sentence as a prime example: “The last three years may eventually come to be seen as the final death rattle of the global warming scare.”


The channel continued its diatribe: “In fact, thousands of researchers and scientific societies are in agreement that greenhouse gases produced by human activity are warming the planet’s climate and will keep doing so.”

They then concluded with this gem:

“Finally, to our friends at Breitbart: The next time you write a climate change article and need fact checking help, please call. We’re here for you. I’m sure we both agree this topic is too important to get wrong.”

Check and Mate!  Check out the video spanking below.





OK WASSUP! covers entertainment:
The Weather Channel spanks
Breitbart News over climate change.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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I commend the Weather Channel for calling out Breibart Noise on the topic of Climate change. Though it will certainly make NO difference in Breibart's modus operandi – their target audience being mostly an anti-science/ anti-education collective.

Still. It's good to see the TWC taking a stand against ignorance and dishonesty.



If I may speak on a totally unrelated topic for just a moment…… I would like to take this time to acknowledge the passing of John Glenn – "…a freckle-faced son of Ohio who was hailed as a national hero and a symbol of the space age as the first American to orbit Earth, then became a national political figure for 24 years in the Senate, died on Thursday in Columbus, Ohio." NYTimes "John Glenn, American Hero of the Space Age, Dies at 95" Excerpts: In just five hours on Feb. 20, 1962, Mr. Glenn joined a select roster of Americans whose feats have seized the country’s imagination and come to embody a moment in its history, figures like Lewis and Clark, the Wright brothers and Charles Lindbergh. To.the America of the 1960s, Mr. Glenn was a clean-cut, good-natured, well-grounded Midwesterner, raised in Presbyterian rectitude, nurtured in patriotism and tested… Read more »

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