Iranian Cultural Sites ‘Off-Limits’ Says Pentagon
Any bombings meant to target Iranian cultural sites are “off-limits,” said the US Pentagon in a statement earlier this week.
Those words are incredibly newsworthy since they directly contradict a statement from Donald Trump, who vowed to rain down bombs on Iran — including various Iranian cultural sites — unless the Middle East nation kowtows to his demands and skips any retaliation for last week’s US assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.
“They’re allowed to torture and maim our people. They’re allowed to use roadside bombs and blow up our people. And we’re not allowed to touch their cultural site? It doesn’t work that way,” Trump said while being discredited by members of his administration and his own party.
Do you notice 2 discrepancies here?
- Donald Trump’s threats to bomb Iranian cultural sites is illegal and considered a war crime, according to the Geneva Convention. If he were to bomb the sites anyway, he would lose the support of all world powers (including current US allies) and could face prosecution by a global jury for war crimes.
- The fact that the US Pentagon felt it necessary to publicly discredit and negate a military threat from their own Commander-In-Chief shows there’s a severe crack in the armor between the Trump White House and his military generals.
….targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD. The USA wants no more threats!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 4, 2020
Could there be trouble in GOP paradise?
The fact that Donald Trump actually believes his assassination of a beloved Iranian general combined with his mob boss-like threats to completely destroy cherished Iranian cultural sites will somehow benefit the US and make Americans safer is a crock of baloney.

At least that’s what Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky basically said during a recent interview with CNN.
“The stated purpose by the administration was that they were going to prevent attacks on Americans. But I think if you ask the question now is it more or less likely that there’ll be attacks on Americans I think it’s much more likely,” Paul told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “While Soleimani may have been planning attacks — and probably was — it’s now a certainty that there will be attacks in revenge for his killing.”
Sen. Paul then took aim at Trump and his administration’s very obvious lack of an end game.
“The death of Soleimani I think is the death of diplomacy with Iran. I don’t see an off-ramp, I don’t see a way out of this.” – Republican Sen. Rand Paul
“The Iranians will not be able to approach us on diplomacy until there’s revenge. This is sad. The death of Soleimani I think is the death of diplomacy with Iran. I don’t see an off-ramp, I don’t see a way out of this.”
Sen. Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina and one of Trump’s staunchest supporters, also weighed in.
“We’re not at war with the culture of the Iranian people,” Graham said on Monday. “We’re in a conflict with the theology, the ayatollah and his way of doing business.”
The surprise break in public unity between the GOP and any and everything Donald Trump does came after Iranian officials denounced the Trump-led assassination and threats to ruin Iranian cultural artifacts.
“By threatening to target Iranian cultural sites if Tehran responds to the airstrike which killed general Qasem Soleimani, US President Donald Trump showed the international community that he has no respect for international law and is prepared to commit war crimes — attacking cultural sites is a war crime,” Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said on Tuesday.
“This is an act of aggression against Iran, and amounts to an armed attack against Iran and we will respond. But we will respond proportionally not disproportionally,” he said. “We will respond lawfully, we are not lawless people like President Trump.”
Those masquerading as diplomats and those who shamelessly sat to identify Iranian cultural & civilian targets should not even bother to open a law dictionary.
Jus cogens refers to peremptory norms of international law, i.e. international red lines. That is, a big(ly) “no no”.
— Javad Zarif (@JZarif) January 5, 2020
He then added:
“President Trump, after watching the crowds yesterday, must stop threatening these people who will be further enraged by his threats — his threats will not frighten us.”
Tied up in a meeting most of this morning which actually gave me some time to really think about how this whole thing is playing out here in America.
First: Thanks DJ for covering this because whether most Americans are truly paying attention to all of this…Or Not….this is some truly serious stuff!
And it behooves all of Us…especially My people…to really pay attention because that dumb-azz fool in the White is putting this entire nation in a lot of danger with his Fake-azz alpha wannabe threats. Shooting off his mouth with absolutely NO awareness of, OR regard for, the consequences of his ignorant-azz foolishness.
An ignorant man with power, and a ton of insecurities, is a very dangerous man.
Okay so while that fool (and his supporters) thinks he’s being all alpha by threatening to bomb Iran’s cultural sites, Rand Paul, and Lindsey Graham (both having sold their souls to Trump, for nothing in return) know d*mn well what’s at stake IF Trump even dares to order such a thing. And listening to them try to gingerly pull that fool back form the brink (before he gets a lot of Americans killed) makes them even more putrid than the gutter creature they serve.
The cowardness of those two jackasses, in particular, is truly a sickening and sorry sight to behold. To say nothing of the rest of their Repub brethren.
And no matter how hard the Dems try to rally Americans to be outraged about Trump threatening Iran’s cultural sites, WE (meaning Black people) shouldn’t fool ourselves. Most of white America (especially those who vote) don’t give a fig about the cultural sites of other nations, especially nations in the Middle East and Africa (nations of Color).
Since when has the American government ever respected the sovereignty of other nations?…not named Israel or Saudi Arabia? Trump is not the first white president to act out his white supremacist fantasies, which are rooted in Fear. He’s just the most ignorant and amoral one.
You try to destroy ‘a people’ by destroying their culture (their shared histories, ideas, customs, traditions, language, way of life). Even their faith. Because you want to destroy what you Fear.
White men Fear Us (people of Color). They have always Feared Us. And they have always tried to destroy Us.
But they cannot do it. God won’t let them. WE are still….Alive.
Hey Truth you are exactly right. Except the one reason they do care about these sites in Iran is because they know if Trump bombs these places we are in for some terror like we never saw before.
This fool really is about to start world war III. Because if he tries to bomb any of those cultural places in Iran he will not only be committing a war crime but every crazy person in that region will be out to get us. See this is what happens when you put a man in the White House who only has yes people who do not tell him no. He thinks all he has to do is say he wants something and everybody will do it by magic. Bombing Iran is just making things worse and it is too bad nobody is around this crazy nut to tell him the truth.
I forgot to say I am surprised Rand Paul said what he did in that video. He totally disagreed with Trump as much as he could do. You combine that with how the Pentagon military people have basically said there will be no bombs sent to cultural sites and you can see nobody is on the same page over there. But I do wonder what would happen if Trump gave the order to bomb a culture site, would they flat out tell him no and not obey the order?
Trump might need to worry about his own sites.
NY Post:
Senior Iranian officials are using Twitter to hint at threats against President Trump’s properties — including his Mar-a-Lago Club resort in Florida and Trump Tower in Manhattan — over the killing of Iran’s top military commander.
Hesameddin Ashena, a top adviser to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, tweeted a link to a Forbes magazine profile that listed the properties, none of which is fortified to withstand a military attack, along with a quote from the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
The tweet also included a link to a Business Casual video about his real estate empire.
“I tell the whole world that if the world wants to stand up to our religion, we will stand up against their whole world,” the quote read.