Comments on: Weather Channel Forecaster Fakes Storm News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Sun, 23 Sep 2018 18:44:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Fri, 21 Sep 2018 12:34:56 +0000 “As weathermen and news anchors frequently (and oddly) do, whenever residents are told to run away from a hurricane they usually run directly into the storm. Then, they stand outside in the driving wind and rain to offer live television reports of the storm in real-time.” – DJ

Uh-huh. And those weatherman look like fools! Thanks for posting about this DJ.

When this particular foolishness actually took place, I was glad to see so many people take that weatherman, and The Weather Channel, to task for engaging in such fake weather drama. The devastation caused by any hurricane is bad enough. Why can’t they just report the news as it is?

Cable news, in general (TWC, CNN & MSNBC) engages in some of the most dishonest business practices, HYPING every little bit of news (even trivial news) to the 10th degree, just for the sake of chasing rating$ and advertisers dollar$. No wonder the credibility of that industry is at an all time low.

Foolishness like this weatherman’s stunt feeds right into Trump’s narrative that so much of cable news is “fake news.” And unfortunately he’s right.

