Republican Congressman John Boehner of Ohio will soon become the next Speaker of the House in the U.S. Congress. But with an uncontrollable knack for sobbing at the drop of a hat, some have nicknamed him the next “Weeper of the House!”
Boehner’s penchant for the waterworks has been well known within the hall of Congress for many years. But with his new political position of power eminent, Americans are just beginning to take notice. Except most are noticing that Boehner always tears up when the subject is about him or his family, or how his father was a simple bar owner while he rose from being a blue-collar janitor to the next Speaker of the… (insert tears here). But let the record show that it does not go unnoticed how the Republican Boehner has never once wept over Americans without health care, or the unemployed who will soon run out of benefits thanks to Boehner and his party members, or those who wish they could find work as a janitor because they have no means of support. Hmmm…
With John Boehner now becoming fodder for the ladies of “The View” and a punchline for late night talk show monologues, it’s a wonder how anyone will take this cry baby seriously once he’s handed the gavel and becomes the Speaker of the… (insert more tears here). Oy vey!
ROTFLMAO. That video is hilarious. I didn't know this guy was always crying so much for the wrong reasons. This could work in President Obama favor. If Obama wants a bill passed just talk to the guy about when he was a janitor. Once he gets to crying he'll give you anything you want. LOL