WeLive Dorm-Style Living For Adults

Lifestyle –
WeLive Dorm-Style
Living For Adults
Forget the “Me” generation. Say hello to the “We” generation with WeLive dorm living for adults.
As students return to colleges and universities across America, many of them will be living in campus dorms. However, students aren’t the only ones looking forward to a dorm-like lifestyle.
WeWork, the $16 billion company that originally changed the concept of office life, is now ready to do the same for apartment living with their new spin-off company: WeLive.
Currently hosting a location in downtown Manhattan as well as in Crystal City, VA (with more to come), WeLive is attempting to remake the concept of communal housing by combining the best aspects of dorms, boutique hotels and apartments.
If your image of WeLive is unglamorous accommodations, with tenants living on top of each other while fighting to use communal bathrooms and kitchens, guess again. The inviting, modern, and minimalist aesthetics provide you with your own apartment, complete with your own private bathroom and kitchen — so you can be by yourself whenever you want. However, you also get access to a communal chef’s kitchen, yoga studio, conference room, laundry/arcade room, and neighbors who actually want to talk to you.
The laundry room provides ping-pong and pool tables, arcade games, as well as beer on tap. Members pay for laundry — $2 for a wash, $2 for a dry, and there’s an unmanned “honesty corner” with toiletries for sale. Members use their WeLive app to pick up a bottle of shampoo or a tube of toothpaste if they’re running low and are too lazy to run to the drug store. Essentially, WeLive wants to be your one-stop shop for anything you need.
The 400 units in WeLive range from small studios to four-bedrooms that are all fully furnished. Per-tenant pricing begins at $1,375 but if you want a bit more privacy, it’ll cost you at least $2,000 per month. The most common setup is the “studio plus,” which comes with 2 beds (one is a Murphy hidden in the wall), which ranges from $2,500 to $2,800. A flat $125 monthly fee for utilities covers electric, water, cable, wifi and even housekeeping. You can rent an apartment for a few days, on a month-to-month basis, or commit to a year-long lease. Additionally, there is no broker fee and they don’t check your credit.
Check out the video below to learn more about this new concept in communal living.