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Spread The Love

This story is incredibly sick and disturbing.  I struggled with deciding if I should give it print time or not. But knowledge is power and it’s necessary to know the enemy among us.  So here goes…

The controversial Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, KS, known for its attention grabbing and inflammatory anti-gay and military funeral protests, says it will picket the funerals of the 6 people killed in the Arizona shooting on Saturday.

In a flier posted on its web site, the controversial church writes, “THANK GOD FOR THE SHOOTER — 6 DEAD!” The message continues:

God appointed this rod for your sins! God sent the shooter! This hateful nation unleashed violent veterans on the servants of God at WBC–hoping to silence our kind warning to obey God and flee the wrath to come.

Westboro claimed via its flier that the shooting injury of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, and the shooting death of federal judge John Roll, is God’s punishment for judicial and Congressional action against the controversial and supposed “church.”  In their statement, Westboro said “God sent the shooter to shoot you! And He’s sitting in Heaven laughing at you!” 

Then in much more graphic language, they continued:

Your federal judge is dead and your (fag-promoting, baby-killing, proud-sinner) Congresswoman fights for her life. God is avenging Himself on this rebellious house! WBC prays for your destruction–more shooters, more dead carcasses piling up, young, old, leader and commoner–all. Your doom is upon you!


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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Damn I just started my work day and already I'm mad. I'm all for free speech and all that but this is fanning the flames and about to cause a riot. I wouldn't be surprised if somebody attacked them next. Something has to give because we are falliing apart.

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