White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley is out!
In a surprise news conference yesterday, President Obama announced that Bill Daley has resigned as Chief of Staff after less than a year on the job. Mr. Obama said Daley asked for the resignation so that he could spend more time with his family, although there are rumblings in Washington that Daley was forced out.
Bill Daley was brought in to the White House to maintain order following the resignation of Rahm Emanuel, who left to become Mayor of Chicago. Daley was also expected to be an effective liaison between the White House and congressional Republicans. But Daley’s brief tenure was less than stellar and never seemed to be a good fit for the Obama administration. There are also reports that Mrs. Obama was unhappy with the job Daley was doing.
Daley will stay on at the White House through the end of this month, then will be reassigned to co-chair the Obama campaign in Chicago. He will be replaced as Chief of Staff by current Office of Management and Budget Director Jack Lew.